
2002 "Survival is a Killer."
5.3| 1h36m| R| en| More Info
Released: 20 September 2002 Released
Producted By: Universal Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A disgraced FBI agent with a drinking problem joins nine other troubled law enforcement officers at an isolated detox clinic in the wilds of Wyoming. But the therapeutic sanctuary becomes a nightmarish hellhole when a major snowstorm cuts off the clinic from the outside world and enables a killer on the inside to get busy.

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Jim Gillespie

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Universal Pictures


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D-Tox Audience Reviews

Steineded How sad is this?
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
zkonedog Despite the fact that Sylvester Stallone is a household name in American cinema, there is one galling fact about his career that cannot be overlooked: Besides the "Rocky" and "Rambo" series of films, nothing else he has done has really proved to be all that captivating besides just selling a few tickets at the box office. From gratuitous action flicks (Cobra) to comedy (Oscar) and even to drama (Cop Land), Stallone never was able to re-capture that Rocky/Rambo franchise glory.With this effort, Stallone dives headfirst into the "thriller" genre and ends up with a pretty decent film that could have even been much better if not for some uneven filmmaking.Basically, the plot of "Eye See You" centers on policeman Jake Malloy (Stallone), whose wife is murdered by a brutal serial killer that Malloy had been tracking down. After a bout of deep depression and drowning his pain in the bottle, Malloy heads off to a detox clinic, where he discovers that his painful past may not quite be done with him yet.Though I by-and-large enjoyed the movie overall, my first thought upon its completion was "there's just something missing, but I can't quite put my finger on it). Was it a Saw-esque police drama about a ruthless serial killer? Kind of. An emotional tale of a man battling back from his inner demons? Sort of. A suspense-filled action romp filled with gunshots and chase scenes? Most certainly...until the characters break to talk about their feelings, detox style.Usually, that type of genre diversity is great up on the big screen, but unfortunately in this case it just didn't come together. Interestingly enough, watching the trailer for the film will lead viewers to believe that the film is about something else entirely, leading me to believe that major script/character changes hampered this production from the get-go (perhaps accounting for a straight-to-video U.S. debut).Thus, while this film won't inspire you like Rocky or satisfy your action cravings like Rambo, it is still one of Stallone's more solid efforts up on the big screen (especially in the "later years) and provides enough interesting moments to avoid boredom. Check it out...if you can find it!
slightlymad22 Continuing my plan to watch every Sly Stallone movie in his filmography in order, I come to 2002's D-Tox or (Eye See You) Plot In A Paragraph: FBI Agent (Stallone) falls apart whilst chasing a serial killer who is murdering police officers. He checks into a rehab clinic that specializes in treating law enforcement officials. Soon, he finds that his fellow patients are being murdered one by one.This movie gets a lot of hate (even from Sly fans) and Im not sure why. The first twenty minutes are fantastic, and Sly does some of his best acting, following his breakdown and arrival at the D-Tox centre, little things like the subtle shakes of his hand as he reaches for a bannister, go unmissed by casual movie fans, who lump this in with one of the worst movies Sly has ever done, simply because it was released between box office disappointments 'Get Carter' and 'Driven'Charles S Dutton, Kris Kristofferson, Tom Berenger and Robert Patrick stand out in the supporting cast, Polly Walkers character was fine if cliché. Sadly the rest of are as bland and cliché as the come in a by the numbers slasher pic, which the movie becomes by the end, with Sly saving the damsel in distress,Early press material credited both Ron Howard and Brian Grazer as executive producers. Their studio, Imagine Entertainment, was also listed as production company. The completed film neither features their names, nor Imagine Entertainment's name or logo. The movie was finished in 1999 before Sly started work on Get Carter. Test screenings of the first cut, got very bad reactions, and the film was then shelved while story changes and getting the vast cast reassembled for re-shoots were being done. A new ending was also filmed in which the main villain is killed in a different way - but even after re-shoots, Universal Studios still didn't have any faith in it. It sat on the shelves gathering dust, before it finally received a limited release three years after completion.
ma-cortes Moving film contains a twisted intrigue , good eye cinematography and a support cast actually good . An alcoholic FBI enforcer named Jake Malloy (Sylvester Stallone) attempts to recover himself from a grisly killing , as his only way results to be a deep rehab . As Malloy resorts to drink but then takes the advices of his superior (Charles S Dutton) to go to snowy Wyoming detox centre conveniently located in the middle of nowhere . This defunct nuclear command and control outpost is only accessible by snow-mobile . As he checks into a rehab clinic that specializes in treating law enforcement officials with unexpected consequences . But is is not the ordinary clinic , being run by ex-cop (Kris Kristofferson) and staffed by a doctor (Polly Walker) and bitter as well as sneering loonies (Tom Berenguer). There takes place horrible crimes and Jake is taunted by a serial murderer . Thrilling suspense movie packs chills , noisy action , gratuitous violence , intriguing events , gruesome slaying and winds up into an astonishing finale . Exciting and stirring development , though predictable , when starring finds that his fellow patients are being murdered one by one . This is an acceptable thriller but contains several flaws and gaps , in fact there was trouble brewing on the set because of overages and creative concerns between the director and the studio ; as producers let it sit on the shelf for many months and after over a year it was decided to do a re-shoot . Nice production design and spectacular snowy scenarios, in fact , the film's snowstorm sequences were shot in Canada . Decent acting by Sylvester Stallone , as he comes off lightly as a cop who comes undone after witnessing a brutal scene on the job . Very good support cast though really wasted , all of them play ex-cops patients varying from psychotically aggressive , paranoids , drunken , suicidal person ; being performed by Robert Prosky , Sean Patrick Flannery , Christopher Fulford , Jeffrey Wright , Angela Alvarado , Robert Patrick , Courney B Vance , among others . Suspenseful and frightening musical score, fitting to action , by John Powell . Colorful cinematography in Panavision by Deam Semler , shot on location in Vancouver , Whistler, New Westminster, British Columbia, Toronto, Ontario ,Canada This killer-chiller was professionally directed , though with no originality, by Jim Gillespie . After the movie was finished in 1999 Universal studio decided to screen it to a test audience but all screenings of the first cut got very bad reactions by them , it was then shelved for quite some time while re-shoots and story changes were being done , in conclusion , the movie debuted in USA in home video . Jim Gillespie is a director and assistant director, known for ¨Venom¨ and his big hit : ¨I Know What You Did Last Summer¨ . He also has produced and directed for TV such as ¨World without end¨ , ¨The legacy¨ , ¨Shooting Gallery¨ and ¨Cardiac arrest¨
Robert W. I was determined to like this. I had seen it years ago and remember not liking it and the hype against it is almost always negative. But Sly Stallone is my Hollywood idol and I am working my way through all his films yet again and I was determined to find all the good in this film. Truth be told, it isn't a total write off and unlike other bad movies I can't pinpoint what exactly is wrong with the movie. It doesn't grip you and it just feels like it is lacking any heart and soul and it doesn't make sense. The story is decent, the tension should be good, the cast are talented actors although most of them are sort of B-List character actors they are still good and yet it is like their is a mysterious missing ingredient that brings it all together. The setting of the wintery rehab centre is perfect for this type of thriller and they use that backdrop decently well. By the time the big reveal happens and the mystery is solved you just don't much care and you'll be long over it by the time the film is over. I do understand why some fans really liked this and there are some out there who gave it huge ratings. It is a dark, twisted, well directed thriller that is unlike anything Stallone has really ever done.Non-fans will argue until they are blue in the face but Sylvester Stallone has done some versatile work. This is definitely one of those different pieces. He is a scarred former Detective trying to fight his own demons and the killer stalking him. One of the aforementioned issues might be that he plays this character with too much brooding. He broods a lot, beginning to end and sometimes he vanishes into the background because he's so quiet and depressed. The film does nothing to actually deal with his character development. So he is good but fails to lead the film like he has done before and since. The supporting cast is truly impressive in my books. Another issue with the movie might actually be there were too many potentially strong characters so most of them get lost in the shuffle. The legendary Kris Kristofferson is one of the best roles though still underdeveloped as the head of the rehab centre. His gruff and rough character fits the film very well and I wish they had done more with him and more scenes with Sly. Also enjoyed far too brief performances from Robert Patrick, Tom Berenger, Robert Prosky, Jeffrey Wright and Charles S. Dutton. All of them potentially have great characters and performances but its too much in one film for this script. Polly Walker is excruciatingly underused and almost unnecessary to the film and is really just placed there to have a female presence in a male dominated movie. She goes almost completely unnoticed.It very well could be the inexperience of director Jim Gillespie who really has one big movie to his name (I Know What You Did Last Summer.) I think he probably had delusions of grandeur when it came to this film and he took on way more than he could handle. Then again you also have a writer (Ron L. Brinkerhoff) who also has essentially no experience and you have two heads of this film with very little expertise between them. If you read my reviews you will know this is almost always a rule that writers and directors that lack experience (or directors who direct their own screenplay) often create bombs. I know it takes time to hone a skill but you can usually spot talent even in early work and this one does nothing to inspire. It ends up being drab and disappointing and barely worthy of a straight to video release. Unless you're a Sly obsessed fan like me, don't bother because even he doesn't shine in this. Definitely a dud. 5/10