Kalahan Bradley
This film is probably the worst piece of cinema ever to walk among the earth freely, or at all. The acting is atrocious and is less than laughable, the jokes were woeful and the story in general was ridiculous, however there were also many small plot holes I feel need to be addressed. To begin, a whole lot of things the stupid dog in this film does, examples include, winking, turning off alarms, driving, playing checkers, wearing headphones (not over his hears), using a TV remote, shielding his eyes from the TV, and sitting at the dinner table with the family. To name a few. Also, somehow this little girl in the beginning of the film manages to fall OVER a rail, onto a bridge plank, HOW!? How is she that stupid? Also, the film managed to hit the climax in the first 20 minutes, where they played a sad song over a boy loosing his dog. WHY!? Why would anyone do this? This would mean that the rest of the film is just a dog finding his owner, which it is. Also, in terms of story, many small holes I feel need to be addressed, including, the opening sequence, where Rainy (the dog) walks down the street and everyone seems to know who he is, this in itself is stupid, as for some reason every person in the town seems to know the dog. Why? Why do so many people care about this one German Sheppard and like it so much? Also, some horrible direction I noticed during the film, including when the family tells Jimmy they are moving to NYC (which was filmed in Louisiana and looks nothing like NYC) and the child is sad for about ten seconds, then moves on to not caring immediately, I mean, this is hard to believe on the audience's part, I feel like the film's director could have just told the child to just pretend to be a little upset for the rest of the scene at least. Also, in the same scene, when the child is told he can't bring the dog to NYC, it is the most expected bad news I have seen from any actor. One more take would have been a good idea on that one. Also, a major hole in the story is that the entire film, the step mother, and Jimmy's father said that they are looking for a place that allows pets in New York, so why can't Jimmy just deal without the stupid dog for a couple of weeks? Also, the fact that there was no real character introduction, they basically jumped directly into the film's story, making it so that no one actually cares about the characters anyway, therefore making the film extremely difficult for any viewer to care about at all. Finally the last thing I need to point out, is a major mistake from the editor and director in the opening credits, the credits read "A David Lerner movie" WHY!? Would a professional call his own FILM a movie, credit sequences are supposed to use proper language not "movie", that is simply a massive no-no in the eyes of directors, yet he let it happen anyway. To conclude, Cool Dog is probably the worst thing to exist in my opinion, as it is ridiculously far fetched contains awful jokes about stupid things, was directed awfully, and contains so many story holes with some of the worst acting I have ever seen, and may hold the title for worst acting ever. It is astonishing how this film ever got released at all.
I agree that the acting is terrible, but I watched it just because the story is good. I don't want to add any "spoilers" so will just say that it's difficult to stomach some of the bad acting, and the gross parts are really not necessary... guess they were trying to be funny. It didn't work, but a good story idea anyway.On the other hand, if I had kids, I probably would add this to my collection of family-type movies. I love stories with dogs in particular, and I fell in love with Rainy for sure. So I imagine I would recommend this movie to someone who loves dogs, but I would always warn them that the acting isn't too great. It certainly doesn't do justice to the actors, some of whom I've seen in other movies or TV shows, so maybe it's the fault of the director rather than the actors.
Cool Dog is the worst movie I have ever seen. EVER. My daughter chose the movie which of course came from the wonderful collection provided by netflix. I knew within the first 5 seconds this movie was a low budget piece of junk. How do movies like this even get made??? My sympathy goes out to the dog more than anyone else; because unlike the humans the dog actually didn't have a choice in starring in this horrible, senseless, pointless, painful-to-watch movie. I have forbidden my daughter from watching this movie ever again as I feel that movies like these act as drugs and decrease normal brain development.If it was possible my vote would be 0 out of 10.
Les Tanz
This movie had some good qualities that could have been enjoyed by families in the 1970s or 1980s (which is the era that it looked like it was filmed, after all who dresses like that now or wears their hair like that?). However with that said, I do agree with the other reviews that the acting was deplorable!!! Honestly, why even make a movie when the acting was that bad??? Thankfully, we rented it at Redbox and only spent $1.00. In summary, the plot was predictable, the acting was bad, the corniness of the entire movie was ridiculous. The worst part was they made it look like the dog did all sorts of things. Other than that, the dog probably would have received my vote for best actor in the film. Trust me adults, if you want to rent this movie for your child...just leave the room while it is on.