It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Better Late Then Never
It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
The general public will, of course, not accept this film because it goes against what they have been told for their entire lives. I've seen a lot of people say how the arguments in this film are irrelevant or just plain stupid but I haven't seen any of them explain why. You can bash it all you want, but I'd like to hear you back it up.I felt that the evidence and arguments were interesting and convincing. I guess I should make it clear that I believe both sides are possible so I'm open to either one. I really liked how this film was done and how it left me feeling. Is it really possible that NASA could have fooled us all into thinking that they went to moon but actually didn't? I think so. You'll have to decide for yourself.
It's funny and kind of sad how a lot of the reviews I skimmed through are people who are so outraged and disgusted by this! They write in such an angry and hateful way, one would think they were horribly hurt emotionally! They seem like religious fanatics who are told that god does not exist! One retard went so far as to compare people who doubt we went to the moon to Holocaust deniers! Shame on that idiot! For one thing, there is concrete, physical proof that the Holocaust happened, plus many people who experienced it firsthand! As far as the "lunar landing", we just have some grainy footage and questionable photographs. The kind of people who are so outraged by this TV special are the same people who blindly believe everything the government, media, and religious leaders tell them! They are very closed minded people who love to accuse people of being anti-American if they criticize or question anything about the government! I hate these kind of extremists! I love America, but I don't blindly believe everything authority figures tell or show me. To do that is beyond stupid! Most people don't really give much thought to whether or not we went to the moon. I just kind of took it for granted. Yet, the evidence in this special is very compelling, and like one guy said, it's not just one piece of evidence. It's a culmination of a lot of different things. Also, if we really went to the moon 37 years ago, we should have the technology by now to get they much more easily! Why have we never gone back in all of these years?
Finally, someone saw the problems from that hoax. And show us the facts only. The answer from spatial agency? Not only in the documentary, but in general was a big denial with no explanations. You are not convinced? Watch the documentary! You will not regret that! Another thing: they said that one ship was sent to scan the moon surface. That ship, search over the internet to convince yourself, has disappeared with no reason. Another coincidence? I think not. Just watch the movie and tell me if i am wrong! And tell other people, to inform what "great" job was done and how a full world was foolish with that hoax. The people who put a rating of 1 are, i'm almost sure, influenced by "you know who"... but that is less important. WATCH THE MOVIE, IF YOU CAN STILL FIND IT!
In my astronomy class, we watched this movie and then went through why all the theories are wrong. There is an entire website dedicated to why everything in this movie is wrong Everything in this movie is taken out of context for sensationalism.Conspiracy-theory-nutjobs should spend less time researching the Illuminati, the reverse-vampires, the Zionists, the saucer-people, and the Freemasons and instead take an introductory physics course.