Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lachlan Coulson
This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Gregory Horoski
Not a holocaust movie! More importantly than the incredible cruelty violence and unthinkably vile holocaust are the reasons behind it. I often think that I and my family and friends are much like the middle class in German pre Hitler. The black minority would have you believe America is made up of brown shirt para governmental thugs reigning havoc on them. In my circle most think my opinion of the Obama governmental thug like actions are hysterical. Many in Europe never wised up even as they saw there clothing being sorted and piled high before entering the "showers" so they wouldn't louse up the camp.Even as a non Jew member of the group fought between his love of his family and group members. The Nazi's knew how to control their people. Remember the "A chicken in every pot" is a Hitler quote! Free stuff and falling into line are rewarded under these totalitarian regimes. If you are getting the analogy, thank God, if you aren't then you never will.
The story of the group "Comedian Harmonists" must take its place among the best films of the 1990's, no matter from what country. The story is told in a loving and respectful way and generates genuine interest in the characters and their music- the true brotherhood of men who love to sing. I'm sure the filmmakers forgot that until 1948 the U.S. military was segregated - and also about the American flag having only 48 stars. But, who cares? Some things from the 1930s no longer exist (especially the USS Saratoga - lost in the Bikini A-bomb tests of 1946) and are impossible to recreate; but this does not detract from the period realism of the film or the wondrous performances of the entire cast. A true 10 out of 10!
Taken at face value, one would think that a film about a singing group called the "Comedian Harmonists" in the Berlin of the nineteen twenties, would be dull indeed. Not so.At two and a half hours, not once did my attention wander.The director, Joseph Vilsmaier, does such a magnificent job of telling the story of this very popular, German singing group, that I would have liked to have been there to hear them in person.The hedonism of Berlin in the twenties. The rise of the 'Brown Shirts', the vilification of the Jews, Vilsmaier captures it perfectly, without stooping to mawkish sentiment.Of course, this film is more than just a film about a very popular singing group. It's also about the evils of national-socialism, allowing men like Streicher (one of Hitler's most vicious jew-baiters - even the top Nazis didn't like the man), to grow and flourish. The look of the period is excellent. Each character is deftly drawn, while still not losing sight that primarily,it was a group. There's a wonderful scene towards the end where the 'Harmonists' sing in front of thousands of sailors. Tremendously stirring! One quibble: the Algonquin Hotel in New York, where the Harmonists stay, was not, as far as I know, located down near the Brooklyn Bridge.But that shouldn't detract anybody from going to see this wonderful film.
The film, Comedian Harmonists, give us a different and evolving look at the effects of the racist policies of national socialism. It showed, better than I've seen, the slow, subtle changes in behavior and attitudes of both the oppressor and the oppressed --- the denial, then realization, that this could and is happening. This evolution made even more believable because this a true story about six very talented people, three of which who are Jewish, who form a musical group in 1927 in Berlin. As national socialism cements its hold on Germany, external pressure is brought on the group for containing Jewish members resulting in internal pressures within the group. The interpersonal relationships made for a compelling story. Add to this a great love story, good acting, fantastic musical score, and interesting people you come to care for, and you have a great movie. Since the film "finishes" in 1934, I particularly enjoyed the follow up at the end telling what happened to each of them. For a fascinating look at anecdotal history, I highly recommend that you see this film. Three and a half stars!!!