Tourists, foreigners and outcasts converge on the streets of Osaka in this sprawling ensemble drama by Japan-based, Malaysia-born filmmaker Lim Kah Wai. His eighth feature explores the lesser-known aspects of the Asian melting pot city through the eyes and experiences of a dozen characters who struggle to find their place in society: among them a Nepali refugee with dreams of opening a restaurant, a Burmese student struggling to make ends meet while working two jobs, and a Taiwanese sex tourist who travels to meet his favorite adult video actress.
Come and Go (2021) is currently not available on any services.
Lee Kang-sheng , Manami Usamaru , Lien Binh Phat , Makiko Watanabe , Seiji Chihara , Mousam Gurung
Kah-Wai Lim
Cinema Drifters