To me, this movie is perfection.
Portia Hilton
Blistering performances.
The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Review Date 1/31/0218A self-absorbed 13-year-old (Erik von Detten) reliving Christmas, day after day, until he appreciates its meaning. He pouts about gifts he doesn't want. Realities he doesn't want to see and little sister that is just a pain in the butt to him.This is OKAY at best. However what it does show the viewer is the fact we will keep repeating mistakes if we don't learn from them. Those mistakes might not exactly repeat themselves in the same way but if you don't learn from them they will manifest somewhere. What I like best about this film was that Christmas is more "Than gifts and giving gifts". "Its the giving of your time" how we "Treat One Another". Family Safe.
Christmas Every Day (TV 1996) 13 year old boy, who dose not like Christmas, who is being rude and nasty but when He tells his sister that Santa is not real, she then wish it would be xmas every day. And her wish come true, that the boy keeps waking up on Xmas day. Before you say they rip-off Groundhog down, this is actually remake of Christmas Every Day (TV 1987) and also was remade again as Christmas Do over.This was really good and sweet movie, had a lot stuff happens in this movie, there funny moment as well. Acting was really good ,this great Xmas movie 8 out of 10
This movie may have not have been the winner of any Oscar, but still, it holds it's spot up there with a lot of other festive, made for tv movies, and always draws me to the couch with a bowl of popcorn while that special day approaches. This movie has all that a good Christmas fan will appreciate, and all that a good movie needs to be-well-good. A plot.
Young Billy just isn't in the spirit anymore. Due to a fateful wish his sister purposed to engage in Christmas every single day, Billy and his family (although he is in the only one who knows) engages in Christmas every single day for four of five days.Some laughs.The seconds manger scene was rather funny. And just some small quirky comments here and there. Oh yes. And of course I got a kick out of Billy's rich, spoiled cousin who was suppose to spend the day at Tinsel Town, but found herself in the prescene of carrots, mashed potatos, and peas instead.
A lesson.To appreciate Christmas. To appreciate family. To appreciate life. To appreciate that this jubilant day can come but only once a year.
I love this movie and am so glad that ABCFamily airs it every year. I only wish it were out on VHS or DVD to buy. Maybe you can and I just don't know it?
This movie has been played on the same station, same time, every Christmas Day since 1997. Since this year is no exception, it has become almost family tradition for it to be watched. Over all I like the movie based on a Ground-hog day genre. The characters are funny and Erik VD, is a joy to watch.