Best movie of this year hands down!
Hayden Kane
There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
On the face of it, CHILLERAMA is a throwback to those horror anthologies of old, complete with a film-within-a-film vibe with a celebration of the old drive-in experience. Unfortunately, in execution it falls substantially short of the mark, having apparently been written by a group of college students with an interest in lowbrow humour and little else.The main focus of CHILLERAMA is to offend as many sensibilities as possible with the explicit, bad taste content. One of the stories is entitled 'The Diary of Anne Frankenstein', which gives you some idea of the level of wit on display here. There are four stories in total, all of them possessing poor writing and bad acting: The first story, WADZILLA, is a sex comedy spoof of the GODZILLA franchise, in which a guy tries a new treatment for his low sperm count and accidentally births a giant sperm which terrorises the city. It's happy to be ridiculous. The second story gets worse; I WAS A TEENAGE WEREBEAR is a gay high school comedy and as terrible as it sounds. By the time of the Nazi FRANKENSTEIN story, interest levels will be waning, and given that virtually nothing happens in this segment you can rest assured that you won't be missing stuff. The final segment, ZOM-B-MOVIE, is a straightforward zombie attack with some fun dialogue (based around quotes from old horror films) to recommend it. It's just a shame that 90% of the movie misses the mark entirely.
Warren Marris
...In fact do not watch if you have an IQ over 6!!! Or only watch if you are in the mood for a late night "One too many Beers or Bongs" Movie Fest as this film is just totally Insane!!!!!I only happened upon this work of manic genius by accident... As my sister was watching when I dropped her dog home... I walked in on "I was a teenage gay Were Bear" - and oh my god!!!This is NOT a quality film... If you are looking for good acting, a great story and serious effects... You are definitely in the wrong place!This is pure good time Student madness... Think Peter Jackson's "Bad Taste" (Winner of the 1987 Gore Awards despite a budget of only $600 Aussie Dollars - By the way if you have not seen it - You have not lived!!! Made my Horror fanatic sister physically sick while I ate 4 Chicken Pies, 3 Fired Eggs a full tin a of Baked Beans and sank a Newcastle Brown...)and you are halfway there... I can only imagine how low the budget was for this film...But it is so bad its brilliant! It is so damn funny I almost bust my sides...The Diary of Anne Frankenstein is Madness! Hitler creates a Jewish Monster??? The makers of Scary Movie, Epic Movie,Disaster Movie... Take note! Big Budgets a funny movie do not make... Sometimes you just need to be smashed out of your skull on whatever these guys were smoking!
It is difficult to describe this movie, other than to say this is what people used to categorize as "Midnight Madness". And the shoe fits perfectly. This does not shy away offending as much as possible and will go OTT all the time. Of course that also means, you can't feel anything but real craziness and silliness. Spiced with blood and other ingredients, that might make you sick to your stomach (of course that is if you like that sort of stuff).The movie is divided into segments and while the "quality" (if you can call it that) is going up and down throughout, it is great fun to watch this movie. I myself couldn't get behind the last segment of it, but others liked that the most. What it boils down to, is if you can have fun with something crazy like this ...
Cecil B. Kaufman (a solid and likable portrayal by Richard Riehle) shows a marathon of schlocky horror flicks to celebrate the closing night of his drive-in movie theater. First, most outrageous, and hence hilarious segment, "Wadzilla" - A savage giant sperm goes a destructive rampage. Writer/director Adam Rifkin milks the gloriously ridiculous premise for all its worth and cheerfully parodies 50's gigantic creature feature fare with infectiously naughty aplomb. Single most sidesplitting moment: The giant sperm attempts to mate with the Statue of Liberty. Second and equally funny yarn, "I Was a Teenage Werebear" - A frustrated young man turns into a raving gay were-bear after he gets bitten in the rear by a leatherboy. Writer/director Tim Sullivan has a field day tackling the dread scourge taboo subject of homosexuality with tremendous zany glee while making an earnest plea for gay acceptance and tossing in a bunch of uproariously awful songs for good measure. Third and most kitschy tale, "The Diary of Anne Frankenstein" - Adolf Hitler (delightfully essayed with eye-rolling hammy panache by Joel David Moore) builds himself a vicious killing machine (Kane Hodder in cute goofy make-up) that brings about his own untimely demise. Shot in scratchy black and white and done in German with priceless ludicrous subtitles, writer/director Adam Green delivers loads of campy laughs from the enjoyably loopy story. Third and most over-the-top gory outing, "Zombie B-Movie" - A bunch of gross perverted zombies wreak hysterically obscene havoc at the drive-in. Writer/director Joe Lynch really pours on the excessive splatter by the bloody bucket and pulls out all the stops with the no-holds-barred grisly mayhem. The cast attack the kooky material with considerable zest, with especially stand-out work from Kristina Klebe as a sexy Eva Braun, Lin Shaye as a wise old gypsy woman, Ray Wise as mad scientist Dr. Weems, and Eric Roberts as a gung-ho Army general. Moreover, the humor is every bit as blithely crass, shameless, and offensive as it ought to be, plus there's a ton of affectionate homages to such films as "The Blob," "Cool Hand Luke," the '83 "Scarface," and even "Heathers." A total blast.