To me, this movie is perfection.
Sadly Over-hyped
hyped garbage
It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
If you like Victor Sen Yung as Charlie Chan's "Number Two Son", you'll probably enjoy this film. This time he has one of his largest parts, which includes a couple of very funny scenes (being hypnotized - and "interrogated" by his father, trying to reconstruct the crime and testing his theories), as well as an exciting fight scene with a crook. And he looks quite handsome. The film is rather static (90% of the action takes place indoors, and apart from some music at the start there is nothing else to suggest Rio - it could have been set in any city), but fairly well-paced, and also has the minor novelty of a sympathetic murderer. My favorite Chan line: "Prefer not to walk across before coming to bridge". **1/2 out of 4.
Globe-trotting Charlie winds up in Rio for this so-so entry. It's an uncommonly attractive cast and a lively, well-produced first half, before the pace slows down during the sleuthing second half. Being in Rio gives Hollywood a chance to sample the South American rhythms popular at the time, and the ladies a chance to model high-fashion wear, circa 1941.Note presence of New York débutante Cobina Wright, the Paris Hilton of her day, as Grace, the statuesque adversary of the brassy, low-class Mary Beth Hughes. Their nightclub spats amount to versions of the class struggle over proper table etiquette. And, of course, where there's Chan Sr. there's going to be a Chan Jr. Here Sen Young's sometimes silly Jimmy Chan nonetheless pairs up with the charming Iris Wong to make the proverbially cute couple. The mystery involves a dead nightclub performer, a slick-talking swami (Victor Jory), a cup of coffee, and a funny looking cigarette. Note how Charlie is ably assisted by the captain of the Rio police (Harold Huber). Usually the cops of the period were depicted as bumbling, at best, or comically foolish, at worst. But with WWII on the horizon, South America became an important sphere of influence, and the captain is treated with unusual respect. In passing, something should be said about the dewy-eyed Kay Linaker as the personal assistant. She died just a short time ago. This programmer shows what a lovely and capable screen presence she was. Her career may never have made the big time, but the big-time talent was definitely there. Recommended for guys who like to ogle well-upholstered girls.
Chris Gaskin
I've just seen Charlie Chan in Rio for the first time and found it enjoyable like all of the Chan movies I've seen.In this one, Chan and his No 2 son are in Rio to arrest a murderer but she is then murdered herself, so he leads the investigation for this. After gathering clues including drugged cigarettes, the murderer is revealed...This includes a couple of rather catchy songs and No 2 son learning to dance.Charlie Chan is played well by Sidney Toler and is joined by Sen Young, Richard Derr and Victor Jory.If you like a gold old mystery, then you will like this. Excellent.Rating: 3 stars out of 5.
Good mystery film about the famous detective Charlie Chan. He's in Rio to put under arrest Lola. But she's murdered before he can arrest her. Interesting murder case follows and like other Charlie Chan's movies, an array of suspects are in the room. Everybody seems to have a perfect alibi.Good performance by Victor Sen Yung who plays Number Two Son. Toler is once again good in the role of Charlie Chan. Funny remarks here and there punctuate the script. Like this one: «This is very exciting». The lady to answer: «So is parachute jumping, but I don't like it».Like other films in the series, lights go out for a second or two and there's one dead person!Out of 100, I gave it 77. That's **½ on a four stars rating system.Seen at home in Welland on VHS. Marko Roy - May 13th, 2001.