Simply A Masterpiece
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Absolutely the worst movie.
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
This movie had all the features of a women-in-prison movies without the sex.Yes, there were shower scenes and sex acts intimated, but heck, you see nothing you wouldn't find in a Girls Gone Wild video.Kimberly Kates gives a skintastic view in the shower with Playboy Playmate of the Month (Czech Republic edition) Lucie Benesová, but it was really innocent.We never got anything from Bridgette Nielson that is worth seeing. She is too busy snorting coke and yelling at her head dragon lady, Jana Svandová, who would fit in nicely in nazipoloitation movies.I think you would be better off looking for some caged heat, rather than chained.
This movie is great for Czech people, because they can see some stars naked there. For example Lucie Benesova who started a an actress in movies where a "busty naked blonde" was needed is now deemed to be actress suitable for serious roles and/or TV series. She would never show her body anymore so there is an opportunity to see what she has to offer in this movie. Therefore I gave 9/10 as native Czech, but for the rest of the world it is 1/10. ;)It is now sold here in Czech republic for less than 2USD which is a price I would consider more than adequate. For Czech people this movie could become a legend of Steve Jackson's Braindead dimension.
I adore this movie for what it is - BAD! There is a reason Brigette only had a couple of lines in "Rocky IV." The accents are straight out of a "Rocky & Bullwinkle" cartoon. It falls into the "Women in Prison" category, and if you go into it knowing how bad it is going to be, then you will probably enjoy it. You have to laugh at it, not take it seriously. Really, do women prisoners ever wear miniskirts and Keds sneakers? Plus, there's a Shakespeare quoting transvestite named "Bobo." What more could you ask for? It has become a cult lesbian film for the homo-erotic content. If you want to see a big woman in leather cracking a whip, you should check it out. If you are expecting an Oscar® performance, look elsewhere.
I give to this movie 1/10 and it is just cause technical. All the rest, actor/actress, story, music, etc., is a lot bad and boring.Like I say often I'm all time surprise to see how easily some guys can find money to "create" a so bad movie. So "amateur".And also the music is like one create in 1970 and apply to thousand of movies. This music is like a torture for our ears.The story/script is a shame. Director of actor/actess doesn't exist. Acting can be find in this "movie".A nice soporific to help sleep or a gift to give to people you don't like.