Kattiera Nana
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Best movie of this year hands down!
As Good As It Gets
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Cerberus seemed like a good idea in hindsight, but when it came to seeing it the execution spoilt any potential the film had. It does get points for the idea, some splashes of silly fun in the second half and for the hotness of Emmanuelle Vaugier. The rest however was lacking for me, and the jaw-droppingly cheap design of Cerberus is not the only bad thing. There is also some choppy editing and the film is dully lit a lot of the time. But that's not all. The dialogue is trite with very ill-judged comic relief, the climax is abrupt and devoid of thrills or tension, the story is muddled(with the second half only a little bit better than the stodgy first half), dull and often ridiculous, the characters are poorly written clichés especially the villains and on the whole the most inspired the actors get is mumbling their lines, nobody seems engaged at all with their characters or even in the film. Overall, a really mediocre movie, could've been worse but there was no real excuse to not put more effort in. 3/10 Bethany Cox
Paul Andrews
Cerberus starts at the 'National Museum of Antiqities Bucharest, Romania' where evil ex forces villain for hire Marcus Cutter (Greg Evigan) orchestrates the robbery of a breastplate from some armour worn by Atilla the Hun, the breastplate is supposed to reveal the location of Atilla the Hun's sword named the Sword of Mars which is meant to render the owner invincible during battle. Evil Japanese businessman Mr. Sung (Garret Sato) who is into the occult & supernatural wants the sword & is paying Cutter to get it, in order to translate the markings on the breastplate they force New York archaeologist Professor Samantha Gaines (Emmanuelle Vaugier) to fly to Romania to help them. However secret service type bloke Jake Addams (Sebastian Spence) & his men are on the case with orders to stop the Sword of Mars falling into the wrong hands, oh & there's a giant three headed dog named Cerbeus who protects the sword from intruders so just about everyone has a problem of one kind or another...Co-written & directed by John Terlesky who also has a role in the film as Willis one of Jake Addams men who gets killed with the sword this made-for-TV effort is a pretty damned bad creature feature which even though the DVD/video box probably emphasises the three headed dogs involvement in the film it isn't in it that much. The script by Terlesky & Raul Inglis takes itself far too seriously, it bases itself on the Greek legend of Cerberus the Hound of Hades who guarded the gates of Hades so that the spirits of the dead could enter but none could leave this film pretty much does away with all that & has it guard Atilla the Hun's sword in a move which will surely disappoint those who want something even remotely historically accurate. I suppose one could say Cerberus is a sci-fi orientated rip-off of the Indiana Jones films without the action or charm as for the majority of it's duration it feels like an archaeological adventure as it deals with the hunt & discovery of the magical sword, the three headed dog doesn't get much screen time & isn't that important overall to the story. I personally thought Cerberus was an extremely dumb film, it's stupid & filled with unlikeable character's & bad dialogue. The ending is poor too with Cerbeus dispatched so quickly & easily the supposed climax is over before it even starts. To it's credit it moves along at a fair pace but I still found it pretty dull & boring since the action scenes are flat & unexciting. Cerberus is one of those really bad films that you keep watching for the unintentional laughs & the morbid curiosity to see just how bad it actually gets, there are better creature features out there so don't say you weren't warned.Director Terlesky does alright, there's not really much in the way of style but it's competent. The special effects are awful, the CGI computer effects on Cerberus itself are laughable, it's amazing how bad CGI looks when it doesn't have literally millions spent on it. I've seen children's cartoons with better animated character's than Cerbeus. There's nothing scary here, there's no tension & not much atmosphere either while the action scenes lack any real excitement. Gore wise not much is happening here, someone has their head bitten off, someone legs are bitten off, someones hand is cut off, there's an OK decapitation & a severed arm.With a supposed budget of about $1,700,000 I admit the filmmakers didn't have much money to play around with, I suppose it's OK considering the budget & it's quite well made apart from the terrible CGI computer effects. This was actually shot in Bucharest in Romania. The acting isn't up to much but Vaugier as Samantha is seriously hot.Cerberus is an OK time waster if your an undemanding sci-fi fan & have nothing better to do for 90 odd minutes, personally I made it through to the end without falling asleep so that's worth something by itself. Not the worse creature feature out there but far from the best, difficult to recommend.
This movie could have been fairly good. I wasn't expecting something spectacular, but there was, I think, potential for it to be quite good. Unfortunately, this movie turned out to be just awful. The first thing that jarred me was the camera work. The acting, editing, special effects and camera work were all just terrible. I'm not one to usually pay particular attention to things like editing and camera work, but those elements were so bad they stood out to me very quickly. As a result, I was often distracted from what was happening in the movie. As I said, I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, but I was severely disappointed by this movie. I would not personally recommend it to anyone. I didn't find one redeeming factor in this movie.
S10 Rating: * * 'Cerberus' is a pretty typical SciFi Channel presentation. An interesting premise of the infamous mythical three-headed dog protecting a sword that render the possessor invincibility. The sword was used bu Attila the Hun so that explains his conquering of the little people of his time. As usually a nefarious scheme is hatched by an equally nefarious madman who then sends some mercenaries to grab the little party favor. Of course the lead merc enjoys his taste of power and commences to do his thing while the good guys and girl deal with the dog and now the greedy merc turned madman. Oh the joys of paint-by-numbers made-for-TV cinema. The acting was ho-hum and the direction is plain. The effects were bad as you'd expect but for whatever reason I found it still watchable.