Nice effects though.
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Paul Andrews
Cemetery Gates is set in Los Angeles where two dumb environmentalists named Alex (Stephen Van Dorn) & Ben (Greg McDonald) break into a top secret research laboratory where they find a large crate with some sort of animal inside that they feel compelled to release into the wild rather than let it be experimented on. Unfortunately the animal inside the crate turns out to be a seven foot tall mutated Tasmanian Devil named Precious that likes to kill & eat people & now it's loose in a national park. Student amateur filmmaker Hunter Belmont (Peter Stickles) & some of his buddies drive out to an old cemetery where he intends to shoot some of his low budget zombie horror film 'The Cemetery Gates' but the filmmakers soon find themselves under attack from the mutated creature...Directed by Roy Knyrim this is a fairly decent if unspectacular 'Creature Feature' with slightly more gore than one might expect, if nothing else it's probably better than the majority of the 'Creature Feature' turds that the Sci-Fi Channel show at least. The film is maybe best described as a creature feature mixed with a little teen slasher as the first hour or so of Cemetery Gates consists of various teens being introduced & then killed off by the creature, every excuse is here from people needing to pee to cars breaking down to same random woman on a push bike who all get introduced then killed off within minutes. The main character's are a bit dull except fro blonde bimbo August who gets a few amusing lines, looks good & gets her breasts out a couple of times. The story behind the mutated Tasmanian Devil is poor with vague explanations about trying to reproduce it's immune system or something like that & if I was an animal activist I think I would actually take a look inside the crate to see what was making those loud roaring noises before trying to release it into the wild, you know what I mean? To be fair to Cemtery Gates it never tries to be anything other than a fun 'Creature Feature' with a fast pace & plenty of gory kills but it's nothing new, it's predictable & does get repetitive. It's watchable enough thanks to a fair amount of blood & some nudity but I will have probably forgotten all about it by the end of the week.The highlight of Cemtery gates has to be the blood & gore set-pieces with ripped out spines, torn off limbs, mutilated bodies, decapitations, bit throats, squashed heads, people bitten in half & lots of spurting blood. The creature itself looks poor as it's obviously just some guy in a suit, it's eyes & mouth never move & you can tell it's just a static face mask. There's some very poor physics going on at the end as various people fall down holes & then manage to climb back out again, these scenes don't really work & when the climax in the dark tunnels come & the filmmakers actually try to generate tension it falls apart with bad effects & annoying character's who make stupid decisions, the film works much batter as an out & out splatter gore 'Creature Feature'.With a supposed budget of close to a million Cemtery gates looks alright for a low budget horror, it's professionally made at least even if it does look a little made for telly-ish. Special make-up effects guys Greg Nicotero & Howard Berger makes cameos while a balding & fat Reggie Bannister of Phantasm (1979) & sequels 'fame' turns up here sporting a ridiculous pony tail.Cemetery Gates is a decent enough 'Creature Feature' that spends most of it's time killing off insignificant character's in gory ways & there's nothing wrong with that I say but it does get repetitive & a poor looking creature doesn't help credibility. Not too bad but not that great either, watchable if nothing else.
Wow... This one threw me for a loop. With a title like "Cemetery Gates", you kinda start thinking "Zombies" or some other kind of "Undead" folks, but this one fooled me "Hook, Line and what a Stinker". I like to watch the "Making Of" segments first, because it kinda lets you in on what the producers were trying to accomplish. No zombies, no creepy kids, no mortuary, in fact nothing of the "Undead" persuasion at all... A mutant "Tasmaniun Devil" would try to scare us this time around. Well, maybe it would have scared me if IT weren't a guy in a Disneyland costume gone wrong. I mean... Come on! Did the producers honestly think this was going to scare someone? I understand it was supposed to be half comedy, but don't call it "Cemetery Gates" and then insult us with this crap. The scariest part of this film was the fact that the producers actually sought after director Roy Knyrim, so that they could add a real creepy feel to the film. "Sorry Roy" your film sucks! The saddest part is that they suckered Reggie "Phantasim" Bannister to partake in the idiocy. Say it ain't so Reggie... Say it ain't so. The film is a model case for "False Advertising", and I hope "Horror" fans aren't fooled the way that I was.
Okay, where to begin. I liked the design of the mutant Tazmanian Devil and Reggie Bannister of the Phantasm movies does a great job as the Doctor. But there seemed to be a cheap feeling through the whole movie. Here's one dumb question, why wasn't "Prescious" in a cage when transporting her? Why was she allowed to run around loose in the back of a truck? Problem two, Prescious never blinked and one of the eyes could blink and lastly with the problems, the crooks seemed tacked on. Like they were afraid they were going to run out of bodies before the end of the movie. Being a horror writer I know how that feels. But instead of throwing more bodies in the meat grinder, perhaps they could have refined the story and characters more. But it does have it redeeming qualities and I think it's a fair movie considering the budget was a mere $ 930,000 to begin with. 5 STARS.
This movie could be a good movie, its a good idea behind the plot. The movie is trash with a monster that looks like a man in a suit. It has a low budget and looks like it too. There is the normal blond bimbo who can't keep her clothes on, and obviously she was hire for her boob size, than her acting skills, if she has any.In the scenes before she is killed, you will not sure if you should burst into tears or laughter.The acting is poor, look like they drag people off the street and ask them to act in this movie.The movie is so daft at one point, the main characters pass an abandon vehicle covered in blood, yet don't even stop or think something may be wrong. A number of locals discovery the beast is loose in the area and see it slaughting people, yet they don't seem bother by this, or even scare, and last thing on their minds is fleeing and calling the police.In one scence, a victim is crushed by what looks like a plastic tomb stone, which it looks like and chances it was made out of plastic.The ending, well, the tassie cubs look like puppets, and thats what they are, a one legged chook would scary you more than these puppets.This movie gives Tassie devils a bad name.