Casting JonBenet

2017 "Everyone wants the part that's missing"
6.1| 1h21m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 28 April 2017 Released
Producted By: Forensic Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Twenty years after the modern world's most notorious child murder, the legacy of the crime and its impact are explored.

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Forensic Films


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  • Top Credited Cast
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Hannah Cagwin as JonBenet Ramsey / JonBenet Ramsey Auditionee / Herself
Tamara Hutchins as Patsy Ramsey Auditionee / Herself

Casting JonBenet Audience Reviews

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GazerRise Fantastic!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
ladyemma-1 This is not a documentary about the JonBenét Ramsey case. This is a film about the community surrounding (and yet still on the outside of) the JonBenét Ramsey case. It's about opinion and speculation and participation, and about how personal experience shapes opinion and vice versa. Ultimately I thought it was an interesting character study/art experiment. If you go into it thinking you'll get some juicy new updates on a tired murder mystery however, you're going to be disappointed. Keep an open mind.
ed-61364 This movie was not what I thought it would be. It innovates the genre of documentary. It is a fresh way to tell an old story. Be prepared to see something new. I'm surprised by some of the reactions from other reviewers. I assume they think we should let this horrid crime drift into history. And because it involved a poor, innocent little child, I really do get their point. The girl is innocent even if we're not sure who else is. But should we just "let it go" and not push for an answer? Someday, perhaps new DNA testing will tell us WHO and then JB will get a bit of her well-deserved justice. If we forget, simply because it was tragic, then we allow the guilty to walk free.
Katoo I saw this production last night. Although being European, the case of Jonbenet has been in our media substantially as well, from the moment it happened until this day. This is not a documentary and I don't review it as such. I find the concept of "Casting Jonbenet" very innovating and intriguing. I had to forego on all of my prejudices about what to expect of a documentary and what to expect of a movie, because it is neither.In the beginning, I was surprised about the approach and I found the presentation of the different versions of Patsy confusing. Then, I got the point and when gradually the other characters and actors were introduced, I felt more comfortable with the concept and really got into it. If you fight this concept, you won't be able to appreciate this production, so in my opinion you should watch it with an open mind.It was very confronting when I started to realize that all of these actors had a story of their own. Sometimes they had a connection with the Ramsey's through friends or work, sometimes they had their own traumatic experience that synchronized them with the character they were supposed to play or the crime itself. Somehow, for me, these private testimonies brought the whole case alive and present again.You should get past the uncomfortable feeling some of the amateur actors give you, like the SM-fetishist, the Santa Clauses (what was that??), or the guy that played the creepy pedophile. Sometimes it was funny how these people went into method acting-modus, how serious they took the job. Although I must admit, with some of them I wasn't sure if they were really ordinary people or if they were acting to be an amateur actor...The last 5-10 minutes of this production is a perfect ending to it: a long slow-motion shot of all of the actors, in one big scene, with all of the possible scenario's of that fatal night, all in one.The last we get to see is a vision of the perfect little girl Jonbenet was, in the spotlight, all dressed up. I think that was an appropriate tribute to the poor girl who must have suffered a great deal during her short lifetime as well as in the final hours leading up to her death.
contactpmy Someone actually thought it would be a good idea to not only audition really bad actors for the roles of prominent figures in this case, but also let these people weigh in on the case, based on their limited knowledge. Most of the documentary (I can't believe I just used that word for this junk)is of these terrible actor wannabes chewing the scenery in what they probably thought were great auditions. They all came off looking like fools. This is especially true of the Patsy Ramsey hopeful who went on and on about her wardrobe choice and the freak who used his time to show off his S&M fetish. So inappropriate but then again, there was nothing appropriate about this. I hope some day someone can actually do a good documentary about this poor little girl. She deserves to be remembered in a much better light than this film was willing to shine on her. Don't waste your time on this.