Carry On Loving

1970 "Their Mating Game is a Riot!"
5.9| 1h28m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 20 September 1970 Released
Producted By: The Rank Organisation
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The Wedded Bliss computer dating agency aims to bring together the lonely hearts of Much-Snoggin-in-the-Green. Its owner, Sidney Bliss, has enough complications in his own love life, but still produces a pamphlet called 'The Wit to Woo'. The strange collection of hopefuls lead to some outlandish matches—and jealousies are bound to lead to trouble.


Comedy, Romance

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Gerald Thomas

Production Companies

The Rank Organisation


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Carry On Loving Audience Reviews

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
jwikstro Watch this after "CO Up The Jungle" and you will see what I mean. That film came just before this one, and was replete with those tiresome tit-ogling genre sequences that saw the COs decline in quality. The popularity of "CO Camping" probably pushed things in the wrong direction, re. BW's popular scene...well it is about making a buck, which inevitably trumps quality. The double entendres in this one work a bit better, thanks largely to the presence of Hattie Jacques, whose chemistry with Sid James also worked well in "Carry On Cabby". Joan Sims is good in her usual put-upon woman role. KW and CH are as funny as always. The newer faces actually provide some variety to the proceedings, as opposed to those in "Convenience". The two couples are cute. Everything seems to skirt the edge of bad taste and tiredness here, which cannot not be said for later entries. Just relax and enjoy, what's so horrible about cute? It's better than stale...
bkoganbing Carry On Loving has both Sidney James and Hattie Jacques running a marital matchmaking agency which is a total fraud, but don't say they're not committed to their clients. In fact James personally 'vets' each one of the female clients himself to Hattie's dismay. In fact they're not really married, but she'd like to be married to someone.Hard to describe the plot of this film, but it's a series of gags around the prospective couples some of whom change partners before the film is over. Even Jacques starts eying client Kenneth Williams who's actually been ordered by his employer to get married. Why you have to see the film for.Best of course is Sidney James trying to elude private detective Charles Hawtrey who Jacques has hired to follow James on his 'vetting' missions. He completely bamboozles Hawtrey who is his usual officious self.In the end the whole cast essentially gets together and the finale is right out of Mack Sennett. Funny funny film from the Carry On crew.
crossbow0106 This film is about hooking up and stars Sid James as Sidney Bliss, who runs the Wedded Bliss Agency along with Hattie Jacques. A series of lonely hearts come in looking for their significant others and this movie basically is a series of vignettes about what happens. The worlds do collide somewhat and while things get chaotic, they are also fun. This film is truly a product of its time in that there are open displays of affection and the young ladies wear miniskirts. This was the first film with the very pretty Jacki Piper, buts its the ensemble aspect of this film which makes it work. Its a sex comedy without the nudity. Its fun and enjoyable.
bob the moo Sex is all the rage in the small city of "Much Snogging-on-the-Green" with everyone talking about it, doing it or talking about doing it. In the midst of all this the Wedded Bliss computer dating agency uses "computer technology" to try and bring together those unlucky enough not to be getting any. Meanwhile the unmarried Percival Snooper dispenses marital guidance for those unlucky enough to be already hitched.A review by TC Raymond on this very site suggests that this "isn't a prime candidate for the best in the series" but goes on to say how good it is. Of course I agree strongly with that specific statement if not his overall opinion. Of course Loving is not up there as the best of the series and the reason for this is because it is actually at the other end of the scale with the Carry On films made in the 1970's that generally saw the series lose touch with the spoofs and wit of the better films (such as Khyber for example). The plot is a series of double-entendres, sexual misunderstandings and people talking at cross purposes. You see, the big joke is that they sound like they're talking about sex but really they're not – oh my splitting sides. Now I'm not against a bit of that (I'm bl00dy doing it now) but it doesn't make a film on its own and sadly this is the majority of the comedy and there is little else here. I barely laughed once I think but I suppose those that think the "Confessions" films are the height of comedy will like this and find value in it.The cast are mostly poor. O'Callaghan made me realise just how good Jim Dale was because the former is pretty awful in the character often played by the latter. James is always good at the sort of lecherous character he is given here and he is amusing. Williams is his usual self but his material is weak and he deserves better (as indeed many of them do). Sims and Jacques play the clichéd women's roles while Piper is the totty. At least Hassall is different from the usual female character within this series. Small turns from Scott, Bresslaw and a few others don't add that much.Overall then a pretty poor film which is sadly where the Carry On series found itself as it lurched towards its death in the 1970's. Viewers who love saucy postcards and smutty jokes may find some value in it but for the majority I suspect it is too basic and obvious to be worth watching. Befitting the quality of the script the whole thing ends in one big messy pile, which is a pretty good summary of the quality of the whole affair if you ask me (and yes I know you didn't).