One of my all time favorites.
The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
I just watched this hugely entertaining tell-all, a rental from Netflix. If I weren't in the habit of sending the discs back immediately, I'd have watched it again. Carrie Fisher is clearly a highly intelligent -- if deeply neurotic --woman, but her frankness and wit even out the score. She skewers everyone in her path, but with such humor and self-deprecation that she has the audience with her all the way. She strikes me as someone who would be fun to know. But.... Perhaps at a slight distance. As others have written, the best part of the show is the Hollywood Genealogy Chart, and boy, does she have fun with it! So do we. Eddie Fisher, her father, receives most of the poisoned darts, but he clearly deserved them. But she must have forgiven him long ago; the show is dedicated to him.
Carrie Fisher's one woman show "Wishful Drinking" is one of the most devastatingly frank pieces of theater in recent memory. At heart, this monologue was a sort of catharsis for a woman that has lived most of her life in show business. Coming from that rarefied environment, Ms. Fisher does not mince words in telling her audiences aspects of a life she has lived, most of it in the public eye. She bares her soul in an account that is hilarious, as well as sad. One can feel her pain as she goes on to tell the story of her life.Ms. Fisher, an intelligent woman, has put together a fun show in which she interacts with her audiences in ways that endears her to the people that come to see her. She recalls her golden childhood lived in that make believe world where her famous parents, Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds created, only to see it come to a complete stop when her father left home to pursue a glamorous star that happened to be a close friend. Her illustration of the people in her life on a big board, and how everyone is related, is one of the best segments in the show.Her own experience with the man she loved, Paul Simon, is also examined for the pain it caused her. Her claim to fame, as Princess Leia is another hysterical chapter of her life. The relationship with George Lucas is examined by bringing aspects one never knew. We get to know funny details about that chapter of her life with her disarming delivery of the way it really was.The show was directed by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato as Ms. Fisher performed in front of a live audience in South Orange, New Jersey.
I'm surprised with such negative reviews here. In a time where we are bombarded with so-called reality TV I find this one woman show has put the "real" in reality TV. Carrie Fisher covers her life from the beginning through current times leaving nothing to the imagination. This is certainly not a perfect world and she shows us her faults as well as those who have been a part of life. Given how far her family tree reaches into the world of celebrity it's amazing she has any scope of the real world. The show is at times sad as well as unbelievable. I didn't find it to be cruel, rude or obnoxious in any way. What is here is her life story filled with good times and bad, as all of us have, though hers has been in the public eye. Ms Fisher purposefully gives us plenty of under and overtones of comedy, be it tragic or all out slapstick. An enjoyable show to say the least.
I know that I'll be in the minority here, but I did not like this Carrie Fisher one-woman show.Besides her rather obnoxious voice, she prances around the stage and discusses items that really shouldn't have been brought up again. We didn't need to hear about her relationship with her parents and how her father went from one woman to another after his divorce from Liz Taylor. Equally in poor taste, we didn't have to hear about Debbie's love life after Eddie. She didn't miss any details.Some of the funny lines included Debbie losing the 1964 best actress Oscar for "Unsinkable Molly Brown" to Julie Andrews's "Mary Poppins." The way she describe it, making Andrews a dramatic performer there was funny.Even George Lucas, Carrie Fisher's director in 1977's "Star Wars" comes under unnecessary scrutiny.Both at the beginning and end, Ms. Fisher sings "Happy Days are Here Again." To me, that was achieved when the show ended.The show was in poor taste and that board showing the Fisher-Reynolds lineage was a joke, and a bad one at that.