So much average
I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
The first must-see film of the year.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
The first movie is a perfect example of how to make a classic horror film. After the mediocre sequel, I thought it couldn't get any worse! I was dead wrong on that. This went STV and it shows. At least the second sequel had semblance of suspense, this sequel nearly put me to sleep. It's extremely cheap and clearly here to make some quick cash. They try to force the "Candyman" is a myth thing on us. Uh....how many times has Candyman killed people? Surely, someone would start to think he's for real at this juncture. I didn't buy it and it felt like they were going to the well one too many times. I also hate how they keep showing snippets of Daniel Robitaille's past. WE KNOW THE STORY!! Enough already. There is virtually no suspense, no thrills, and absolutely no scares. Not only that, but it's really boring. There are far too many times where I felt like dozing off. That shouldn't be happening with Candyman. There is gore, but I didn't care. We get your usual hook carnage and some CGI bees. The acting is pretty bad. Tony Todd looks disillusioned and embarrassed by this sequel. He knows what a piece of crap this sequel is. He's shown way too much and the mystique is gone. What a shame! Donna D'Errico felt like a model and nothing more. Her performance is amateurish, and she had no business being the heroine in this movie. Needless to say, she failed to evoke sympathy from me. Jsu Garcia (NOES fame) grabs a quick paycheck. A reviewer on this site called this a "pathetic end" I couldn't have said it any better. It ranks as one of the worst endings to a horror franchise. Hopefully they give Candyman the send-off he richly deserves. 2/10
For years I thought I'd seen all three of the Candyman movies, but on a whim I watched them through again recently. I wish I'd stuck with my assumption and stopped after the first two, for the Day of the Dead was an utter disappointment.My first impression, given during the opening credits was: "They dropped the Philip Glass music, and all they can show me is a shiny red hook from about fifty different angles. This movie is going to suck." My second impression was from the very first shot of our new 'heroine', Ms. D'Erico. Seeing her trying to act I was reassured that this must be the obligatory 'stupid person calling Candyman and dying instantly to prove what film it is' scene. To my horror, this was entirely not the case. My eyes were assaulted by the unfortunate attempts by various people to act throughout this poor excuse of a sequel. My ears were assaulted by each and every high-pitched squeak of a scream that Donna uttered when she was told to act scared, or surprised, or happy, or mildly confused... My sense of common was assaulted when Donna dropped her keys through a heating vent in her corridor, and I had to watch the horrifying effort she put into wedging her hand through the tiniest gap in that vent after she knocked into the hinged section leaving a gap large enough to fit her head through. Twice! Tony Todd, the legend himself, did however do a valiant job for about half the movie, before he gave up from being given the same lines to parrot he'd had in his previous two movies, over and over. He was still a formidable presence though, and kudos to him for giving it a go.I realise that I'm being quite negative about this awful awful movie, though that is probably because it hurt my brain so much to watch it. I can't recommend this movie to anyone, but there's a chance you might enjoy it anyway. If you were very drunk. Or not watching it.
'Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers', 'A Nightmare On Elm Street 2', 'Childs Play 3', and 'Candyman 3' all have something in common.If you're thinking that they're all sequels, you are right, but there's something else.All of these movies are examples of underrated sequels.I liked all of these movies and I don't care what other people have to say about them.I thought that 'Candyman 3: Day of the Dead' was a pretty decent horror movie with another groundbreaking performance by Tony Todd.Nobody will ever play a better Candyman than him.That's a fact that we horror fans should know.I haven't seen the 2nd movie yet, but I do have to say that the first and the third were pretty good.Maybe the third wasn't as good as the first, but I still found it to be a good movie.After you're finished reading my review, I want you to go to a mirror and say Candyman 5 times.If he shows up and tries to kill you, then it serves you right for thinking that this movie was totally pointless.If the Candyman franchise wants to be really popular, then there needs to be a 4th installment.Let's hope that Tony Todd is willing to play Candyman again.
I walked in to the third act of a three-act play. Unfortunately, I have not seen Candyman 1 and 2, so I have to judge this on it's own merits.Tony Todd makes a good villain. I was interested in seeing him after watching him with a group discussing horror movies the other day. I like Candyman and will certainly look for the other two.This was my first time seeing Donna D'Errico, and it was painless. She didn't have a great role, as she spent most of the time screaming and running, but she did OK. Apparently you have to watch Playboy videos to see all her assets, but they were impressive jiggling in beater tees here. At least mommy wasn't so repressed.Worth watching, but probably better as the end of a trilogy instead of the beginning. Have to get the other two parts.