This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Bumpy Chip
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
I will say that unlike most comments, I liked the look of this movie. The time warp thing should have been used more. After it was introduced, they never really done anything else with it.The gore was pretty lame. Every kill was almost the same. Maybe a little cherry pie filling coming out of the mouth. The score was pretty nice. The composer did a great job with the 80's themed music and the use of strings, which really captured the sound of the 80's slasher. I agree with the other comments with the over use of close ups. It's like they had a camera mounted Mic and were trying to stay in close enough range for the best audio. I think these filmmakers have some talent, I think they just need to concentrate more on good audio, and developing a solid plot.
shaun fogerty
In watching camp daze aka: camp slaughter, I noticed the usual pitfalls of renting a direct to video horror flick. poor video quality, bad sound and corny acting by some of the actors. However In some twisted way it almost helps out this film. The story is supposed to be an homage to slasher films of the 80's. Crappy camera work and cheesy acting ran rampant in those films so even tho I'm sure its not what the director was intending The crappy film quality sets the mood of a vintage horror film even more. I'll admit the the storyline and action are a bit hodge-podge and certain parts don't seem to flow well but all in all I enjoyed this stupid little film. The 80's outfits and old camp cabins really worked well in my opinion and certain death scenes are pretty cool. This movie wont scare anyone over the age of 4 but than again If your watching direct to video horror flicks your probably not scared of horror films anymore and are just a fan of scary movies. However One of the neatest things about this movie are the extras. Some of the behind the scenes extras are hilarious. So at any rate If you want to see one of the more enjoyable direct to video horror films than I'd say rent it. But If you actually want a movie with an involving storyline and real scares stay away. For fans who appreciate 80's slashers only.
Too many reviews on the IMDb claim the film (more often now video) they just saw is the worst film ever made. If there is any justice left this video ( and not for one moment will you not believe it is anything other than a shot on video) will garner new worst film ever reviews. But hey the first people to write reviews of it loved it. Well fortunately most films get watched by more people than made them,though the only reason to sit through this is if you helped make it.There's almost no point to talking about what's bad about it. Everything is.But what do slasher fans expect? Let's run it down.Nudity===no none there other than some shirtless men in tight short shorts--wonder what that's all about? Gore? Mostly the dribble candy looking blood over an actors skin. Oh, one early kill has the dead woman blinking. More stranglings than slashings and the killer usually arrows instead of a knife. It's pretty much all of the, "Oh I'm pretending I'm being killed" variety. Like you'd see from a bunch of nine-year-olds playing Cowboys and Indians in their back yard with some food coloring for blood.Music? Well the only decent thing in the movie is the music score, that claims and might actually have some real instruments used. Unfortunately much of the music is god awful pseudo 80's songs that are bad and don't sound like 80's either.Acting? Well you don't expect acting in a slasher film but I mean really.The 80's? Well that era for slasher films this one tries for, but the wardrobe isn't consistent, the valley girl is really a few years too early to be in the film and has too many ear rings. The shot on video nature makes it all look cheaper than even the cheapest slasher films of that era. There's no suspense or nastiness here, the set ups for the kills are pretty weak and or silly.Comedy? Well no you don't expect that in a slasher film, but don't worry unless you think bad actors reciting lines you'll recognize from better movies is funny, you won't have comedy getting in the way of the film. The black chick character says she just ate so much her t**t is going to explode. I guess that counts for something? Unique killer gimmick? Do sort of loose fitting yellow work gloves terrify you? Well they won't after you see this movie so don't be afraid to keep your eyes open. Even if you are afraid of sort of loose fitting yellow work gloves watching this movie will cure you.Something like taking their cheapo video camera and badly recorded sound away from these people so they never make another "movie" again.The central idea (sort of a time travel thing) is really badly done so they can't take credit for that.All kidding aside this is trash made by people who don't know how to make a movie and don't care about the movie they made. Annoying video hissing sound pops in and out with the camera edits, just like it does in your own home movies. Wow, that's great. Greenish video skin tones that don't match the shots around them, just like it does in your own home movies. Wow, how do they do that? Brightly illuminated by bright white light night scenes, just like when you take your light on top of your video camera and turn it on. Wow, why watch these people do this when you can already make a movie will all the excitement and skill that these people are vomiting up all over you. Talent aside, these are basic basic technical requirements that no one who made or released this film gave a damn about. Why, because they think slash fans are too stupid to care.Hire the composer of the score, send the rest of the people involved in this film onto the Titanic with third class tickets and glory in the thought of them freezing painfully to death on a moonless night long long ago, and try to forget you ever saw this thing. Oh and while you imagine them freezing to death imagine the juries at the film festivals that this film touts on its box being set on fire as their eyes are eaten out by fire ants.And please note I never said it was the worst film I'd ever seen, but I hope other reviews do. Not that you should believe them usually, because not every low budget shot on video film is this bad.
Just received the special edition of CAMP DAZE with the bonus disc in the mail and IT IS AWESOME! Some great behind the scenes footage.The movie itself is fun, exciting and (need I mention) bloody. I first learned about it on and have been waiting for it to come out. I'll be attending the NY screening in October, but couldn't wait that long to see it. I agree with some of the postings that's a bit long, it still keeps you entertained. I read one that said it was too much like Friday the 13th, but I disagree. I actually watched Friday part 1 on the IFC channel last night and CAMP DAZE is completely different. Some of the deaths are similar to Friday's but according to the director, they wanted to pay homage to it. CD's story was far more clever. It felt like a cross between The Burning and Scream. I laughed quite a few times and even found myself getting antsy (which I don't normally do when I'm watching a horror movie). Especially the scene with Jon Flemming in the shower. That was a bloody clever scene.This is the type of film that pays homage to the early 80's horror flicks in theme only. As for the rest of the film as a whole, it clearly stands on its own two blood soaked feet. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see a fun, gory, bloody, creepy, who-done-it horror film.Camp Daze gets 2 bloody, severed thumbs up! Cheers. :-)