Must See Movie...
A Masterpiece!
While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Mandeep Tyson
The acting in this movie is really good.
Susan S
This film really explores the roles that children and fathers are placed in after divorce. It is far more than a comedy as it explores some of the situations and feelings that are present in the divorced family that includes kids. This is a truly likable, wonderfully enjoyable, fun movie with enough comedy to make it laughable, but enough perspective to make a someone examine the roles of a family before and after divorce. This movie is a true keeper for our family. We watch it about 3 times a year. Highly recommended in my opinion.
Wayne Smith
I have seen this movie twice now and I have to post my opinions as to why this movie is crap in terms of writing, directing, and editing... possibly even casting."Bye Bye, Love" stars the TV star, Paul Reiser, as a guy who divorced his wife for reasons we never really know... and he is still in love with her. Matthew Modine plays an always smiling (never acting) "charmer." Randy Quaid plays another odd character that never is well developed because the movie has too many plots and characters to really focus on anyone in particular.One thing that sickens me about this movie is how much blatant advertising is done within it. Off the top of my head, I remember Kettle Chips, Minute Maid, and last and certainly not least, McDonald's. I bet MickeyD's patroned the entire movie, to show that divorcees should meet there every weekend to trade their kids, seeing as the divorce rate in America is over 50% of all married couples. What a demographic to hit for! I never heard of people meeting at fast food restaurants to exchange their kids for the weekend before this.Next thing, Eliza Dushku hitting on the guy who works at McDonalds? How realistic is that? Yes, I realize all of you Buffy fans that she is "Faith" but it doesn't make up for the fact that her character was undeveloped and weak. For example, when she gets drunk and screams at her father and says all of that typical "i broke up the marriage" crap... where did any of that come from? We are given no clues as to why she's angry except for Reiser's "that age between 13 and 36" quote.The chronology in this movie was hard to follow, too, because most of the scenes played independent to the others, while going back and forth between the 40 stories going on. The music montages added to the story, making it even worse than it already was. The lovely "wrap-up" at the end really made the story feel like it ended at a very awkward place. The climax was very... semi-climatic. Quaid's character is a rollercoaster of uncertainty. He's not a dynamic character... he's a schiz. So is his lovely date, Garafolo.This movie doesn't give insight as to what men are going through after a divorce... it gives what women want men to be like. I would only recommend this movie to people who want to be brainwashed by Dr. Laura-esque psychology and the mesmers at McDonalds.
Randy Quaid at his comedic best, not to mention emotional roller coaster performances by Matthew Modine, Paul Riser, Janene Garafalo and Eliza Dushku. Quickly ranking in my top ten comedies. In addition, the heartfelt performances of the actors who portray the good, bad and ugly of divorce and all it brings to the proverbial table. This movie should be mandatory for anyone considering divorce.Also, Eliza Dushku's first very good performance should be noted as she is to become one of Hollywood's leading ladies in the near future.
This is a very enjoyable little movie and after seven years and numerous viewings, I still watch it every time it's on TV. Of all the movies I've seen dealing with divorce and broken homes this one comes the closest to portraying what it was like (at least for me and my family). Best of all, it's not a depressing downer of a movie. It's fun to watch and emotional at the same time. The most effective part of the film for me was the relationship between Paul Reiser and his daughter since it reminded me so much of my dad and sister. All of the actors are extremely well chosen (minus the very bland Mathew Modine). It handles the topic of divorce responsibly and doesn't load on the melodramatics. For anyone who's gone through a divorce and wondered "Now what?", or a child of divorce... you should get a lot of this movie. I really, really liked it.