Truly Dreadful Film
Just perfect...
Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Aubrey Hackett
While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
"Born to Glory" is almost like two films in one. The first part, which is actually pretty much unnecessary, is about a simple sailor, Albert Brown (John Mills) meeting and marrying a woman. This portion is pleasant but not especially compelling. However, when Albert goes to to sea the film improves considerably...especially after war breaks out and Albert's ship is sunk by a German ship. He and what's left of the crew are taken prisoner by the same German ship...a ship damaged but not sunk in the encounter. Albert manages to escape and then wages a one man war on the Germans...shooting at them and harassing them as they try to repair their ship. It's all very exciting...and a great example of a simple individual rising to the occasion. Overall, this is a well made and inspiring film--one that gets better as the movie progresses.
A truly splendid idea: make a film about World War I, in the film-lookouts that were fashionable one hundred years ago. In this respect 'Forever England' is marvelous.But unfortunately this film's plot provides us with the usual cheap stuff about the English, coming out superior against a bunch of slightly retarded Germans. This below-level picture is aggravated by the extensive use of boy scout-morals, insulting your common sense.The reality from World War I was far different: a grim & merciless struggle. In the end Germany was defeated because its opponents England and France were greatly supported by the USA. Before this American intervention, England's superior navy deadlocked Germany's superior army.
This is a great film version of CS Forrestor's book of the same title.I love the book and I love the movie.Great story of determination in the face of long odds.Brown one of two able seaman to survive a cruiser sinking after an engagement with a German cruiser is picked up by the damaged German cruiser.The German cruiser needs repairs and chooses a bay on a rocky inhospitable island.While the ship is immobile Borown steals a rifle and escapes ashore - he manages to snipe at the Germans repairing the ship for long enough for the rest of the British squadron to find and engage the German cruiser.
Pre-WW2 propaganda piece proving that the British people have the sea in their veins and courage in their hearts. Sentiment and nationalism are laid on thickly and there are many special treats for those who enjoy watching model warships floating in a bathtub while pretending to shoot each other.I doubt there'd have been a dry eye in the house during the 1930s but today you've really got to be in the mood for this kind of thing to rise above cliche. If you could happily watch "Mrs Miniver" or "Goodbye Mr Chips" tonight, then you're already in the right mood.John Mills in one of his first starring roles gives a genuinely excellent performance as a heroic British naval seaman.