If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Best movie ever!
An Exercise In Nonsense
If you got 1h39min to loose, watch it! I had high hopes thinking that Hope will make me laugh: I was so wrong. What could have done better the poor man on a so stupid script? Nothing! When I was a little boy, I used to fall in love very easily, with almost any beautiful actress, well, I believed then that a beautiful woman look like this female called Elke Sommer. It happened when I saw her in Deadlier Than the Male, made a year after this one. Now, as mature man, I think she's looking like Miss Piggy with a doe's muzzle. But what matters is the ass, right? And, her ass is the real star of this movie. Not Bob Hope, not Phyllis Diller(which is a bit funny)(all the other actors are dull and not funny at all).
Boy Did I Get A Wrong Number has Bob Hope, real estate salesman up in rural Oregon accidentally connected by a space cadet switchboard operator to Elke Sommer's room. Sommer is a film star who has pulled a diva act on her husband director Cesare Danova and she's fled her latest movie set for parts unknown. Danova and her studio gave out with that she was kidnapped by persons unknown for publicity.Hope sees a business opportunity if he can get Sommer to stay at a lakeside cottage he's been trying to unload. She just wants some privacy, but can Hope keep his mind on business?One of the saddest things about this film is that it was directed by George Marshall who did many great comedy films including five with Bob Hope in his best years. Such films like Off Limits and The Ghostbreakers are two of their collaborations. This one isn't close to being as good as those were.It is however a good showcase for Phyllis Diller. She plays Hope's maid and both of them spend a lot of the film keeping Sommer away from Mrs. Hope played by Marjorie Lord. Of course in the end it fails as you knew it would.This will never be rated among Hope's best.
I think this movie is another underrated one for Bob Hope and the rest of the cast. I find Phyllis Diller's portrayal as the housekeeper to be very funny and even inspired. She is actually the best of the top three stars as far as funny goes. Hope is a realtor who loves his family but gets involved with a run away sex symbol played by the gorgeous Elke Sommer. While she is playing an actress fed up with being a sex symbol that is what she really was. Elke may not be the greatest actress but as long as she looks that good it is alright with me. I know, sexist pig, but that is a part of what draws male viewers. Just like the females with Elvis and the Beatles, in the past and I don't care who now. This is a decent, well done comedy that is not like those that are done today way too often.Sex, drugs, over the top profanity, and some terrible puns.
This movie is a campfest. Elke Sommer plays a temperamental star who ends up on the run from her studio. She inadvertently gets hooked up with married man Bobe Hope who tries to conceal her from the police and his wife Marjorie Lord. Phyllis Diller steals the show as Bobe Hope's maid. Very subtle risqué humor permeates this movie. If you listen very carefully you can hear some very suggestive dialogue between Bobe Hope and Phyllis. While Phyllis is eavesdropping on Bobe & Elke's phone call she is shown peeling a banana. When she hears a vaguely sexual remark she squeezes the bottom and the banana pops out of it's skin and onto the floor! Very subtle but VERY suggestive which is what I loved about the 60's, nothing is as blatant as today. Light fluff of a movie but lots of fun. I guess some previous viewers are so bombarded with in your face grossness these days in most movies they didn't see or appreciate the innocence of this flick.