Very disappointing...
Must See Movie...
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
What is acting? Will you find it here? Is it too harsh judging the people involved in this, because of the script/direction? Are any of the twists worth your while? The answers to those question can only be given by yourself. And while the Baldwin involved in this, has made a name in movies like this, the question is, if you have the time and strength to watch this.It's not that the characters are despicable from the get go. But while the movie progresses and relationships get established you do wonder, why you're still watching this. Now if you meant to watch this, because it promises sizzling erotic and/or nudity, you can also forget about that. While the main actress might appeal to many (men and women respectively), her character is all over the place and does not help the viewer understand what the other characters are going through because of her ... Not recommendable ...
I am a completely biased person. I adore Stephen Baldwin and everything he does. He's just so darn cute. The "sex scene" was kind of disappointing because I wanted to see more of Stephen's hot body, but I wasn't disappointed with what I got to see. I loved the movie. If you've seen other films of Stephen's you know that he is a very versatile actor. From brooding cop(Bound by Lies) to dorky idiot(Biodome) he handles it all and does an amazing job. Hes just so damn HOT! I love that man. Bound by Lies isn't much of a surprise ending but the filming is amazing. The film sometimes seems to drag a little but Stephen makes it all worth it, since he's in almost every shot. so sexy. Signing out from Canada his Number 1 fan. Luv ya Stephen;)
In this strictly paint-by-numbers direct to video thriller, Detective Max Garret (Stephen Baldwin) is assigned to protect Laura Cross (Kristy 'I STILL refuse to get nude' Swanson). Of course even though he's married to a stunning women, he feels chemistry with Laura and vice versa. It's not really that interesting when red herrings are thrown at the viewer AFTER you know who the killer is. This film was tedious to sit through and extremely uninvolving. All the actors were just going through the paces. When i found out one of the writers was responsible for the dreck known as "Naked Lies" it all clicked into place. No wonder the film was so bad. It's like a Skinamax erotic thriller WITHOUT the sex (there IS one scene but it's VERY tame) IE. totally worthless.Eye Candy: Gladys Jimenez gets topless, but her scenes in "Blowback" were better My Grade: D-
Max Garrett (Stephen Baldwin) is a cop on a seriously thin rope. Garrett returns from a six month suspension t0 robbery / homicide only to get involved in a homicide case involving a sexy artist (Kirsty Swanson), who may be more than just an innocent witness. Garrett uncovers kinkiness that may well put his life and family in danger."Bound by Lies" is a simple straight-to-video police thriller. Full of clichés and C-list stars. Not to bad, about the equivalent of a film you see on late night cable. Good looking stars sprinkled with a little smut with a better than usual polished look to it. The plot is standard and the acting is fair but at least the original Buffy is in it.