Bob the Butler

2005 "The family will never be the same."
5.5| 1h30m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 10 March 2005 Released
Producted By: Aquarius Films
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Bob, an incompetent man, is searching for an available job by alphabetical order. He had just failed all of the A's, and discovers an ad in the Yellow Pages for a butler school. He is the only one in the butler school course to pass, because all of the other people quit due to the embarrassment and pressure of the teacher.



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Gary Sinyor

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Bob the Butler Audience Reviews

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Sandcooler Don't make the mistake of watching this movie for Tom Green, because he doesn't really get to have any fun whatsoever. I get that he can't do random disgusting things in a wholesome family film, but even his absurd sense of humor is pushed way into the background to make room for sappy romance scenes. This movie feels like a worn-out afterschool special more than anything else, it's chock full of moral lessons and jokes so disturbingly old that it would make "Full House"-writers blush. Green is clearly out of his element and looks incredibly bored throughout, but somehow he's still the best part because his co-stars are even worse. The kids, oh dear God the kids. The pain will never go away. Tom Green's overall weirdness and undeniable comic talent can definitely be translated into family entertainment, but this just doesn't seem like the way to do it. Gotta love the scene where he kisses Brooke Shields though, you'll have a major "Road Trip" flash-back.
JoeJames76 i can sheepishly admit, i am a fan of Tom Green. Whether it's Organized Rhyme, his own "The Tom Green Show" both pre and post MTV, or his first forays into film, "Freddy Got Fingered", "Road Trip", and 'The Chad' in "Charlie's Angels", I look forward to watching what he will do next.With this in mind, I can honestly say, "Bob the Butler" is a horrible film, whether you like Green or not, whether you like movies or not, or whether you have a pulse or not.What i enjoy about Green is his ability to find humour in such simple things as a cheese sandwich. i love watching him interact with others, altering the everyday altercation with either a minute change of pace, or a major social faux pas, both played with deadpan mock seriousness.What i don't particularly like about Green is when the joke runs too long, or the joke isn't funny to begin with. The nice thing about all the aforementioned resume bits of Green was quick editing in mind, or jokes that, if they weren't funny, they were bizarre enough to shock you or make you think. Bob the Butler is devoid of any of these things.The film takes the premise that Green's character cannot hold a job, until he finds himself as a butler for an oddly cast, anal retentive, control freak Brooke Shields. What ensues is a bland, run of the mill, stereotypical movie about a babysitter who is not liked by the kids until they eventually warm up and want the babysitter to be their parent, who is missing out on the kids until they realize too late that the fired babysitter was actually better for the kids than their own parenting.What's so disappointing is not just the rehash family film formula. It's that Green is as far removed from this type of thing than any comedian, that any hope for him messing within the parameters of this formula is never realized. The opening cartoon credits, if filmed as a live action weekly series staring Green, would be so much better than this boring, uneventful snooze fest. Three things Green has never been accused of, until now. Perhaps that's why he did it.Grade: D-
englandjohns I was expecting a very crude movie. Our kids wanted to see it, but we have a rule that any thing rated above a G has to be watched by my husband and I first. I was surprised it was a good family movie. It was by no means Oscar quality but it was a movie that my husband and I had fun watching and so did our 7 children. I plan on adding it to our families movie library. I'm a big Brook fan and was happy to see her in something again. It did have some small off color moments. However, it was much better then most movies that are out right now. I would definitely recommend it to any Family. It's not very often we find a movie that my husband and I really like and so do all the children.
jandcand4 Knowing that Tom Green was in this movie, we automatically thought that this would definitely be a sorry, vulgar, non-family movie. We were shocked to be wrong on all counts. There were some questionable parts, but overall it gets 12 thumbs up from our family! Tom Green was great & our kids just love this movie! We just got the DVD, and we've already watched it 3 times. I am still in shock that Tom Green was in a good movie and did a great job acting! I recommend "Bob the Butler" to all! People need to see this, just to be in total disbelief that Tom Green can actually act. Parents just need to preview it first, so they will know when to hit the mute button, or forward on a couple of occasions. :O)