Bloody Reunion

2006 "Class Dismissed."
5.9| 1h33m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 03 August 2006 Released
Producted By: Show East
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Mi-ja, who has been taking care of a retired teacher, Ms Park, invites several of her former students to her house 16 years after their graduation. Since the end of her teaching career, Park has been residing in the countryside, suffering from an illness while an ex-student, the kind and pretty Mi-ja cares for her.

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Lim Dae-wung

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Show East


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Bloody Reunion Audience Reviews

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Calenture The infuriating thing about this movie is that it could have been so good if they hadn't tried to be so clever with the plot. 90% of this film, we're told, didn't actually happen. So why film it? If two of the characters are actually the same character (one in disguise) then how do we - and the other characters, apparently - see both these characters at the same time?At one point a detective explains how the victims were 'initially killed'. Huh? It doesn't matter what language you use, once someone's been killed there's no second time you can kill them.Even one of the alternate titles is misleading: 'To Sir With Love.' There's no 'Sir'. The teacher's a woman!So far (despite my subject line) I've somehow avoided giving any real spoilers. The reason is, if you're prepared to sit through a better- than-average slasher movie, even prepared to accept the appalling ending which informs you that almost everything you've seen was bogus, that's fine. I love Asian cinema and some of its best has come from South Korea, but this is a total cop-out. Blood and gore thrown in apparently to please a mass market, then a 'clever' ending trying unsuccessfully to tie things up, possibly in the hope of pleasing any highbrows in the audience. It just doesn't work. I'd like to think that maybe the director was coerced into adding those nonsensical later films by studio bosses and maybe one day a much shorter director's cut will be released, with all the illogical bits taken out. If that happens the result will be a still-complex film that transcends the average slasher picture. At the moment it's just a mess.
Maz Murdoch (asda-man) We all know that Korean's do absolutely amazing horror films. I could bore you all by listing a load, so I'll only mention Oldboy and I Saw The Devil as being two of the genres finest. But slasher films? I've never heard of a Korean slasher, but luckily for me I love Korean horror and I love slashers. Perfect match? Absolutely! Bloody Reunion managed to create a fantastic slasher that is way more than your bog-standard Friday the 13th. Instead of annoying kids, we get well-drawn out adult characters who we can care for and actually get to like. It's refreshing to see a slasher film with actual characters, instead of the usual cardboard cut outs, as seen in The Cabin in the Woods.The film opens with intrigue, giving a very quick flash-back to the young teacher giving birth to a deformed child. It's quite sad, if not stereotypical, but don't worry because what unfolds is something that's quite unconventional for the slasher genre. There's a great, if not a little too long, 30 minute sequence with all the ex-pupils coming to see their sweet old teacher. It gives us opportunity to bond with the characters and also to unveil a little more depth to the back-story, as we find out that the teacher isn't quite as rosy as she appears. It just adds to the brilliant character development.Things do get especially interesting once the killing starts! The whole jovial atmosphere changes as soon as it reaches night-time and you start to feel sympathy for everyone, especially Mrs. Park, and it's where the killer starts to make his move. The kills are brilliantly brutal with a little torture even added in for extra cringe! I found myself curling up into a ball in some parts. Bloody Reunion is certainly true to its name, and it is massively entertaining because of it. However, unlike most slasher films it's not all about the killing, there's a great deep story put in there as well, making the film even more gripping.The film would be just fine as a detailed slasher film but then it goes one step further and unveils a huge twist that had me scratching my head. You could say that it's unnecessarily confusing and it does make the film seem like a bit of a waste of time, depending on how you look at it. Nevertheless, I did find it incredibly emotional and impactive, and it added yet another intricate web to the story and the characters so I'm unsure as to whether I liked it or not.My only complaint would be, that I wish the slasher element ran for a little longer. I think the film needed a small dose of fun and I would've enjoyed more thrilling action. It also seemed a little repetitive at times with a character going to the beach and then being taken by the killer, but apart from that Bloody Reunion is a bloody good slasher film! It offers much more than your average American slasher (of course apart from The Cabin in the Woods) and is a film that I'm sure many few people in the horror community know about, which is a shame because Bloody Reunion is, in the words of SuBo, bloody fantastic!
Janick_Rahmanoff It is not a "horror flick", not a "slasher". It is a film about how important it is to be able to forgive. If you hold a grudge against someone in your life, if you hate someone enough you want to kill them or burn them alive and the only thing that keeps you from doing it is the fear of jail, or maybe not even as extreme as killing - then this is a movie for you. Many people here complain about how senseless this movie is, how confused they were after watching it. And i agree it can seem confusing and they are confused for a right reason. This film is about vendetta. And no vendetta, no revenge, ever makes any bit of sense. Forgive, forgive and forgive - and then things will start making sense for you.
joanamolko The film is known in Mexico as "Final Exam" had heard criticism that this film, was similar to "The Art of the Devil 2 and 3" and if only the pieces of torture, rather the Usefuls used for torture, during the film sometimes I despair As "students" with the attitude victimizer teacher, as it could be so irresponsible to be as discriminate and attack with their students, to make them feel stupid about, and so cruel to their punishment, is still believed a saint! and worse, that did not even remember what they had done!! so anybody crazy, I have read several reviews and I find it funny, it says: "I would like to invite 3 of my teachers to see what their reactions to seeing the film although the movie took a big twist at the end, changing the history of film, I liked the end that gave "the girl who took care of the teacher," the teacher because she was right:, If the others had lived a happy life, if they were dying was a blessing, So let live, was a worse punishment it was worse than death, take that pain ... if they entered more about this film (Fotoresumen, see free, tips for understanding the film, data curious avatar for messenger, critics to the film, entirely in Spanish!) enter the next page /blog/cns!8CAC86AC6C43C127!2218.entry