Too much of everything
Really Surprised!
The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Tobias Burrows
It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
While "Black Swarm" is a fairly generic movie in the genre with killer insects, and by that I mean following the manual of how to make such a movie. It is still an entertaining enough movie for what it turned out to be."Black Swarm" is about a deadly swarm of genetically altered wasps that threaten the lives of the inhabitants of a small town.Well, you know how it goes, hence there is no need to carve out the story in further detail. If you have seen any of the many other similar movies throughout the years then you know exactly what I am talking about.The effects in the movie were quite alright, which helped add to the overall enjoyment of the movie.What initially made me sit down to watch this movie was the fact that Robert Englund is in it. And, as usual, he did a good job and added his usual charms to the movie. Sarah Allen, Sebastien Roberts and Rebecca Windheim all also did good jobs with their roles.I am settlings on a mediocre five out of ten stars because it is an entertaining movie, but there just wasn't a particularly great sense of impending threat from the CGI animated wasps.
Adjusting to life in a small town, the discovery of wasps genetically- engineered for a secret government agency as the perfect killing machine and forces the residents to set out to destroy them before they succumb to the deadly creatures.This was a pleasantly enjoyable creature feature. One of the strong points is the intriguing story, though this a little cliché the way it's done here is really great as this one decides to utilize a different format. There's a big change away from the usual mad-scientist- genetically-modifies-animals-into-killers routine, and decides to make them the carriers of the virus that turns the victims into drones that contain the creatures before being born, which sets up a rather nice atmosphere during the beginning by showcasing the drones mindlessly wandering around town with the buzzing going on in the background. The slow-burning mystery doesn't hurt either, as there's some nice work to be had from how it handles these scenes, from the fruits and the dead bodies appearing and disappearing, as these parts actually manage to come together to have a really nice set-up that drives the action in here. There's some really good swarming going on at the beginning to the attack in the cornfield and the whole finale, from the attack at the bridge to the revelations at the church, and everything that happens in the factory at the end are all nicely done and make for some great moments. The other good part here is the insects in here look good enough, not really obvious CGI in the glances afforded at them which actually works nicely. These here are the film's best points as there wasn't a whole lot really wrong with this one. One of the problems was that there's a big twist at the end is plain ridiculous and not all that needed. There's a lot of effort throughout which put the conspirator as one of the good guys, yet this one decides to suddenly twist all that around merely because it wants to do something shocking. The other flaw here is the extremely clichéd manner of some of the plot points, as the deadly-creatures-as-government-super-killers angle comes up as does the main engineering party trying to stop them part. There's tons upon tons of clichés to be found here, some which hurt the film, others that give it some familiarity, but overall this one isn't that bad.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
Nine years ago, in Black Stone, a handsome exterminator was killed in a wasp nest removal accident. Presently, his identical twin brother Sebastien Roberts (as Devin Hall) works as the small New York town's pest controller. He's thinking of moving just as his brother's red-haired widow Sarah Allen (as Jane Kozik) moves back to Black Stone with her exceptionally mature nine-year-old daughter Rebecca Windheim (as Kelsey). Immediately installed as the town's sheriff, Ms. Allen begins to investigate some strange deaths. Meanwhile, little Miss Windheim has befriended weird-acting bee-keeper Robert Englund (as Eli Giles). He has been experimenting on wasps. Hit in his windshield by a super-wasp, Mr. Roberts decides to stay and face the menace...The basic idea behind this monster bee thriller, by Todd Samovitz, is engaging. Considering the TV Movie budget, the make-up is also an asset. Sadly, there is little effort to make the bees a terrifying threat. It might have been better to suggest, rather than show, the initial swarming attack on homeless guitar player Andrew Shaver. When we see his body, we can imagine the horror. Later attacks are comic, with performers veering into theatrics. Also, it appears like most people in the town are slow to notice many residents have developed welts and make a buzzing noise. Zombies should be a constant peril. Roberts and Allen are attractive, play very well together and try to keep it serious for director David Winning. Unfortunately for all, it's a lackluster effort.**** Black Swarm (12/7/07) David Winning ~ Sebastien Roberts, Sarah Allen, Robert Englund, Rebecca Windheim
I guess good advice in regards to 'Black Swarm,' is not to watch the trailer first as it gives away too many spoilers. Okay, the best advice is just to simply avoid the movie at all costs. The "when animals attack" film, like so many other b-movies, tries to be too many things and ultimately falls apart. Those unfortunate enough like me to waste time on such filth will see: part 'Aliens,' part 'Day of the Dead,' part 'Empire of the Ants' and any "government's secret weapon runs amok" movie. It's frivolous to attack any of its hundreds of flaws, inconsistencies or even the little girl that laughs and smiles at inappropriate times. It is a b-movie about killer wasps that fear the fruit after all, but with lines like "Maybe it's playing hive and seek," good cops that threaten to kill at will and scenes stolen from much better movies – think Newt's dilemma in 'Aliens' – it's hard not to simply hate any effort produced here. Perhaps it is a good drunk movie, as so many scenes make you laugh out loud, such as a "shocking" revelation in the closing by the two stars while aimless Robert Englund stands around. One of my favorite flaws (and yes spoiler ahead) was the quick and almost immediately forgotten death of the beloved blind "B" woman who previously attempted to protect the young girl with a perfectly sized raincoat she happened to have. Then, when it was never revealed to her mother the blind woman got it, her mother seemed to know. I'm getting tired of at least acknowledging one's efforts, even with a low budget. "At least they attempted to make a movie." Well, Marlboro also attempts to make a quality cigarette. And we all know how that ends up.