People are voting emotionally.
Admirable film.
Kien Navarro
Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kaydan Christian
A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Charming, sweet and realistic...a delightful film about love and fate...and never giving up! Great performances and chemistry between the leads...Mel England is a gem! Whether your gay or straight, you will be able to relate to the frustration, insecurities, and doubts the characters are dealing with. This is life...all human beings face the ups and downs of relationships...it is unavoidable. Another wonderful touch is the way "age differences don't matter"...is dealt with...including the very real depiction of a much older friend revealing his relationship experiences in a positive, "go for it" manner. This film deserves to be seen and it's a great date night movie. Available on DVD and Blu-ray...be prepared for a touching experience! I was sorry to see it end...i wanted more!
I really enjoyed watching this film. You know it really would tell how people these days care about the age differences in falling in love. I mean so what? You fall in love with the person whom you have chosen to be with. It's not like everyone should care because it doesn't honestly matter at the end of the day. Heck, I'm so glad that James paired up David and Shane together, they were totally meant for each other. It was well that David broke up with Greg. He was totally someone else that he didn't need to be with in the first place. Why? Because the pair of them had different opinions and of course, Greg seemed pretty bossy! David definitely did the right choice in moving on!You know, the most outstanding man in this film was Ace. That fella just was so inspiring the way he was talking about stuff that were common sense. Life is not always a box of cherries, there can be pits involved too so enjoy your lives together in this present! I'm like wow, those guys are so lucky to have great friends around them for support!This movie is so underrated, it should win an Oscar!
I was skeptical about watching this movie at first.... Considering I'm going through what I believe is a mid - life crisis .. Did I want to watch a movie about someone's similar fate .? And being a straight man could I relate to a Gay mans experience .? Well Am I sure glad I put those worries to rest and watched Best Day Ever..!!!! Powerful and poignant are the first 2 words to come to mind after watching it ... Getting older is universal , all races,creeds , sexual orientations ,everyone grows old , there are no exceptions..... And Best Day Ever handles this truthfully and beautifully .,!! Mel England is the actor who anchors the film , he is stellar .! There is not a false note in his performance and the supporting players all do fine work ..!! This film gave me hope , and the world we live in , that is rare.....
Silvio Torres
i have no idea what movie these reviewers saw. what i saw was a complete and utter let down. a totally boring mess. there was no chemistry between any of the actors. the exposition and back stories went on and on. i honestly didn't care about the 32 year-old farm boy's obsession with video games or Ace's 15 or so year old relationship. the first conversation at the dinner table with the lead and his muscle head boyfriend dragged on for what felt like 30 minutes (when in actuality, it was about 7!). that scene could have been handled better without all that dreadful talk. all he could have asked was 'do you still love me?' and the rest would have been quicker. but no. we had to get some silly crap about movie making ,health food talk, and turning 50..boo hoo!!. that scene alone was just one example of how bad the script was. it felt like reading a manic depressant's diary. and that does not a good movie make. this would have been much better as a short film.. say about 10 minutes or so. if you want to watch a perfect example of a short film turned into a long form film, watch 'the way he looks'.. it is a million times better than this mess.