Please don't spend money on this.
If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Thanks cristianjalos and dolans-1 for your reviews. I actually watched with a girl (only ones in the movie room) originally consciously intending for us just to hang out (she suggested we hang out before she left for an out of state college upcoming January), but then as the movie carried on, I think God might've been telling me through the movie to ask out the girl next to me, over-simplistically. I didn't, however. As for you dolans-1, thank you for your adjectives and non-obvious themes (i.e. dating versus courtship/dating to marry).As for what I thought about the movie, well, not much to say except that it was awesome!
Great Christian movies that weaves many religious topics into an entertaining romantic drama. Touches quickly and lightly upon censorship of God in schools, evolution vs creation, dating vs courtship, teenage pregnancy, and abortion. You will fall in love Gracia and her infectious smile.
I have to say the movie gives out a great message to the youth. It talks about serious topics like the embarrassment of many youth to say they are Christian or catholic and that they believe in Jesus. They feel they might be judged and might not fit in. This movie says to stand up for Jesus and praise him because he loves us no matter what. Our past our mistakes anything god will still love us and that we should be proud to be sons of god. Finally I want to say this movie requires more attention. It was sad that me and my girlfriend were the only ones in the whole theater. I really hope movies like this that talk about Jesus and positivity get more light shed on them.