Nice effects though.
True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Jenni Devyn
Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Matt Kracht
I've seen some truly awful action movies in the past few months. The good news is that this is better than Amsterdam Heavy. The bad news is that it's not much better. The plot is serviceable, though not really what I would call "good". It's got lots of extraneous, unnecessary details in it, like dead brothers, dead mothers, bad childhoods, abusive fathers, etc. It's just one big heap of melodramatic back story for every character. Now, while I'm grateful for the effort, I have to wonder why they thought all that was necessary. The directing was manic and overly stylized, with constant use of slow motion and close-ups of violence. The soundtrack was absolutely horrible, consisting of what sounds like the most derivative and bland music imaginable. On the positive side, there were some attractive people in the movie, and sometimes they managed to act passably well. The fight choreography was generally pretty good, but the fight scenes were filmed rather poorly. If you like exploitative, MMA-style violence, you may enjoy this movie. Traditional martial arts fans may find the nihilistic, fetishistic violence to be distasteful and a bit too white trash.If you're desperate for Michael Bay-inspired MMA fights, then I suppose this might be the movie for you.
The only reason I saw this movie is because my sister-in-law was an extra and she had a ton of fun while filming. She said that twelve hours of work for three seconds of screen time is not worth sitting and watching this piece of wasted film. If you want to brave this movie, you're going to need a case or two of beer or some really hard liquor. I had more fun trying to figure out what parts of Austin, TX they filmed in. My sister-in-law said she had a ton of fun on a very cold November night (yes, the wet T-shirt girls near the beginning of the film endured freezing temperatures!!!) and we caught a glimpse of her in the film and in the special features--that was worth the time and the three cases of beer. The script was awful, my dead-grandmother could have written better dialogue. I had more fun watching Borat, and I really hated that movie too (and I was wasted during Borat as well). Cheers mates!
This is one of the most painful film experiences I have ever endured. The acting is terrible. The editing is extremely irritating. The story has all the dramatic depth of a six year old's school creative writing assignment. The thinly hidden marketing saturating the movie is distracting. Fight scenes, awful, and in total, around 10 minutes max of the film's 90 (agonizing) minute runtime. You wanna see real fight scenes, watch Asian cinema. Writing, terrible. Characters, wooden and with stupid 'backstories' lifted in a hurry from a billion other (better) films. This whole thing reeks of self-indulgence and money, but offer no shred of entertainment. None. Even like Sunday hangover brainless action fun. It is that bad. Do not ever watch this film, even for free.
You have some nice fighters , you have a OK story.. and what did the directory do ? Ruining the movie with so many unnecessary "effects" from 30 different camera angels in the space of 5 minutes and filling the screen with ongoing blurs, zoom ins/outs and the famous shaky effect that would make anybody with a slight case of Epilepsy seizure up after only watching 10 minutes of it. So final review.. The movie contains a story ,has some fights in it but isn't great. If you want a action movie to fill bored Sunday night with absolutely nothing on TV then you could watch it but be sure to find out if you have epilepsy first.