Undescribable Perfection
hyped garbage
Absolutely Brilliant!
I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Young man is tortured with a 9 volt battery by mother as a kid and turns into a killer only during thunderstorms.If you buy into that premise, you might also like the bad acting, horrible script, the dead victims whose eyes are literally blinking and moving on screen, and storms without rain.I didn't.Characters actions simply don't make sense. Not sure if you've ever licked a 9 volt battery. I have. It doesn't hurt in the slightest. You feel a dull tingle. That's how we'd test to see if they were good as kids. None of us turned into serial killers.And why do so many of the corpses move when they're supposed to be dead? Didn't anyone see this during the editing? IMDD says this movie had a million dollar budget. Where did the money go?
Let me first say that Michele Morrow shows her quality as an actor in this film. She is an A-list potential actor among obscure C-list talent,throughout the firm. Unfortunately she will not earn any points on the Ulmer Scale with this film as it will pass in years unnoticed. Cinematography? 8 stars. Mathew Rudenberg's cinematography keeps this film alive and not looking like a B cult film, that explains why I waited for something to happen. I did have to skip forward in the last quarter of the film.Does not deserve a Horror listing. Nothing frightening in this movie, believe me when I say the quality of fear factor, gore, suspense, shock and awe missing. I can not find a single positive comment to give other than... I highly recommend you spend your time doing anything but watching this movie. Laying on your back in your back yard, trying to look at the stars, on a cloudy night would be more fun than watching this movie.
Killer nicknamed Basement Jack gets out after 11 years in the psych ward and is hunted by a girl looking for revenge for what he did to her family.Or something.Well made but confused and confusing slasher film that is technically great to look at but didn't seem to make a great deal sense in the story department. The upshot was that after a short while I ended up letting the film run and began to do other things around it. Not horrible, but nothing I'd really bother with, especially with so many other better films floating around out there.between 3 and 4 out of 10
I watched Basement Jack on a friends recommendation and it has some classic shots from a director who is clearly influenced by western flicks. Combined with Alan Howarth's score, you've got a low budget movie that frequently outshines it's funding. I see a few reviews here panning the movie, and while it's not Gone with the Wind, the shot selection, score, and strong performances from star Michele Morrow as well as several supporting cast give a flawed script it's fair share of very satisfying moments.Michele Morrow (hottie alert) turns out a visceral performance as outlaw/hero Karen Cook, and while i understand the many "Sarah Connor" comparisons, i sense more of Sigourney Weaver's "Ripley" in her smoldering delivery. Lynn Lowry delivers another chillingly unhinged performance and Nathan Bexton as the manager is extremely fun to watch.I was a little surprised to learn "Basement Jack" is director Michael Shelton's first turn at the helm, as he's delivered a solid film from start to finish - looking forward to seeing what he does next.