Bad Boy Bubby

2005 "All He Needs Is Love."
7.3| 1h54m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 26 April 2005 Released
Producted By: Australian Film Finance Corporation
Country: Italy
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Bad Boy Bubby is just that: a bad boy. So bad, in fact, that his mother has kept him locked in their house for his entire thirty years, convincing him that the air outside is poisonous. After a visit from his estranged father, circumstances force Bubby into the waiting world, a place which is just as unusual to him as he is to the world.


Drama, Comedy, Crime

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Rolf de Heer

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Australian Film Finance Corporation


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Bad Boy Bubby Audience Reviews

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
astagl I would've given my review a much higher score if it weren't for the rather viciously slow pacing of the film. But wow! Many of the scenes are very darkly disturbing, and hard to watch. But then, you'll flash over to a wonderfully comical scene that had made sides hurting. I really don't want to talk too much about the film, as my review will not cover what other reviewer's have already mentioned. I just wanted to be able to add my brief comments and give it a star review. Watch it if you don't get offended easily. It's now on Amazon prime for free to watch.
Per Johnsen Why is this the best film ever made? First of all, it has an introduction that just knocks you over. I have never been so completely hooked by anything in film, before or since, as by the absolute multi phobic first half hour of this film, where one discover Bubby's more than miserable life together with his mother. Both Nicholas Hope and Claire Benito deserve the highest honor for their achievements. And the rest of the story is just one of the strangest ever written and made for the silver screen. It's simply one of a kind, totally unique, delightfully bizarre and absolutely mind blowing. An equal philosophical roller coaster trip such as Bad Boy Bubby is damn hard to surpass, if it's even possible. The very strange or very normal characters are all so perfectly fitted into the story that it becomes something beyond film experience. No film I've ever seen before or since has come close. If I could rate it 12, I would !
Luca Capezio I never wrote something about a movie on IMDb cause I never felt the need to do so, but that movie was so incredible that I felt the urge to write something and let it out my thoughts that this film impressed in my mind.I don't want to spoil nothing, I'm just saying that i didn't knew nothing about that movie, I hated it the first 15-20mins but then I followed the unbelievable journey that unfolded before my eyes, with such epic moments, funny moments, sad moments, deep moments, I didn't know what to expect, a movie that grow so big inside you, and at the end the unexpectable happened too, I was so moved that I cried in liberation and ecstasy as the end is the culmination of all those feelings.The direction, the music, the acting are superb too, don't miss the chance to watch that movie, look behind the appearance and you'll find a gem.
museumofdave If you are looking for an entertaining film with easy laughs, this dark, strange voyage into the mind of a man warped by his environment is not it; this can be a shocking film, dealing with incest and unexpected death, but it is also a thoughtful film, carrying Bubby on a picaresque adventure though a decaying culture in search of redemption.Surprisingly this film deals with both Christianity and with rock-and-roll, and while the barbs are sharp, the humor is good-natured at heart. I cannot emphasize too strongly that this is not an easy film to watch--it isn't a mindless Quentin Taratino blood-fest bracketed in late-teen attitude, but, not unlike Candide or Tom Jones, is a journey away from primary influences to discover how to get the best out of life; the scenes behind the end credits contrast neatly with the ghoulish Samuel Beckett humor in the first twenty minutes. This film will put your brain to work, and maybe it just wants to play; Nicolas Hope's central performance is brilliant.