I'll tell you why so serious
A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
An interesting story, not so good acting, good CGI and a bunch of clichés. The dialogs are sometimes boring. I especially found the fight between space ships pathetic. What is wrong with good old laser? Someone throwing balls of fire with body movements… These are the so to say "not good" parts. Actually, over all, it is not bad. With better directing and slightly better acting, the movie could have been much better. The connection between the old crew of the ship could have been done better. Anyway, there are some interesting ideas as well. Especially the final is pretty good. If you are into science fiction, you will not regret the time you spend on it.
When I was younger I had only one show I watched every time it was on the TV; Babylon 5. I came to love that show and now, many years later, I've begun to watch it anew. So when one of the channels showed this movie I recorded it and watched in the following day. The first reaction was ; Why? What? How? For those of you that have watched Babylon 5 I don't need to describe the Rangers, to those of you who haven't; The Rangers are an organization that gathers information and sometimes fight the great enemy in preparation of the coming war. They are mystical, smart, skilled and shrouded in layers of mystery. That's in Babylon 5. The Rangers here are your run-o-the-mill space marines with less IQ than shoe-size. The captain of the ship is for some reason punished for not giving the life of his crew up without reason. THus he's given command of a ship that's supposedly ancient but to me seems to be ten times More advanced than any other ship in the B5 universe. But more on that later. His motley crew is made up of a rough-n-sexy( I think that was what they intended anyway..Didn't work) weapons officer, a Minbari best friend, a Narn who I don't really know what the heck she's supposed to be doing, a Drazi brute/cargo loader. After a big and ugly ship(manned by some other Rangers) is destroyed the crew of the ship is forced to take aboard a bunch of ambassadors, of which one is the legendary G'Kar(brilliantly portrayed by Andreas Katsulas, as always). Then too many long long minutes of boring silliness ensue, the best of which being the completely over-the-top combat scenes with the weapons officer doing some silly martial arts in 3D while the ship spits balls of badly animate plasma at even worse animated pixels. And let's not forget the ghost-subplot..Which isn't a subplot but some kind of awkward "What if". Oh, and gotta love the ending..Instead of having a nice shootout or something we get to see the captain do the same stupid thing he did to blow up the first enemy ship. Original? No. Smart? No. Fun? Nope. Welcome? Yes, only to see this crap end. Beside the things mentioned above the movie has terrible acting, lousy effects, messed up facts about the B5 universe and no real storyline. And for God's sake...Why VR-combat?
OK this film was created as a pilot but that does not give it an excuse!!! OK as a bit of sci-fi it was not that bad if you pay no attention to the B5 series. The major problem i had with this was the ships,anyone who has seen the series would know that the WHITESTAR's were the ultimate ship so why did the rangers not have them? They were created for the alliance and the rangers were the special ops of the alliance! It was nice to see G'Kar back at his best. I think the film would have a better reception if they had gone ahead with the show and people would look back with a better understanding but thats TV for you.Now for a bit of intelligent thought! If you want to make a new B5 series or film you have the perfect opening in the first shadow war,even if you want to be lame stick in a time warp (whoops they did that) and have some B5 regular turn up (maybe delenn as that would be cool with sinclair). But all in all this film was a bit of an insult to the B5 name that for once showed the American TV exec's that people will watch a programme with a story arc and do not need the throw away things such as (ready for the grinding of teeth) star trek next generation (DS9 was better).
MILD-ISH SPOILERS throughout.We live for the one, we die for the one. And so this needless attempt at another Babylon 5 spinoff series begins, with Ranger David Martel (Dylan Neal) breaking the Anla'shok code of honour and fleeing from battle rather than needlessly dying. His superiors punish him with the command of an old starship that lost its previous crew in battle. This previous crew still haunts the ship. Martel gathers a small crew, and their first adventure involves a lot of nancying around, chewing scenery and saying "We live for the one, we die for the one" every few minutes.The thing that made Babylon 5 so great was its five-year plot arc. All non-arc stories are remembered with distaste, in particular the dire TV movies like "Thirdspace" and "River of Souls". When B5 isn't doing its five-year arc, B5 just isn't working. So I don't think a "starship adventures" series would have worked, and this pilot doesn't do anything to disprove my theory. (We live for the one, we die for the one.)It's easiest to list the things that didn't work:G'Kar's appearance is the most welcome thing, but it feels pointlessly tacked on. He's the "bridge" between shows, rather like Picard's appearance in the ST:DS9 pilot, or Quark's appearance in the ST:Voyager pilot. He waltzes into private Ranger disciplinary hearings. He just conveniently happens to be one of the ambassadors picked up later in the episode. We live for the one, we die for the one... or did I say that already?Rather than introducing the new characters subtley throughout the episode, there is one big cheesy scene where the new crew gathers around a table to state their names and specialities. Imagine if a new Star Trek series started with a scene like: "Hi. I'm Will Riker. I'm a First Officer. Yay me!" "Hi. I'm Data. I'm a robot guy. I don't have emotions." "Hi, I'm Tasha Yar. I'm kinda butch and I'm going to die soon."The Rangers are nothing like their previous portrayal in B5. We remember Marcus Cole as the perfect blueprint of a Ranger, and none of the characters here compare. There is so little spirituality or nobility. The Rangers here are wise-crackin' gung-ho heroes. It's just not right. Oh by the way: we live for the one, we die for the one.The weapons thing. Oh dear. The first time the weapons chick (Cantrell) jumped into her virtual reality chamber and started punching and kicking fireballs to control the space battle, I thought it was pretty unique. It's good to make weapon control more interesting than simply pushing buttons. But then there was ANOTHER of these scenes, then another, and another. The last one was full on CHEESE, with Cantrell having what can only be described as a laughable spaz-attack. And can I just add: we live for the one, we die for the one.The "haunted ship" concept is very interesting, but it didn't work well here. There just wasn't room in the plot to squeeze it in. If the pilot went into a series I'd have loved to see more stories about the ghosts. But at the end of the episode the characters basically say: "Well, it looks like we've satisfied those ghosts and we won't be seeing them anymore." Damn!BIGGER SPOILERS NOW. This pilot introduces what could have possibly been the main nemesis for the series, known as "The Hand". These aliens are said to be about a billion years more ancient than the Shadows, and they have finally got back to our dimension. This just sucks. It undermines the Shadows totally. The TV movie "Thirdspace" did something similar with an ancient deadly enemy breaking out of another dimension, and it was annoying that time too. But anyway... we live for the one, we die for the one.So those are the bad things about Babylon 5: Legend of the Rangers. But it's not a total loss. There were moments of J. Michael Straczynski goodness. One thing you can say about his writing is that he's not afraid of full-on balls-out cheese. The usual charm and groan-worthy humour can be found here in small doses. And for all its faults, it's still better than an average episode of Enterprise. And aren't ALL pilots rubbish in comparison to the show that blooms from them? Wasn't B5's pilot quite rubbish and cheesy too? I'd have liked to test out Legend of the Rangers for a full 22 episodes before giving up on it.We live for the one, we die for the one. Or we just watch fairly average TV pilots for the one.