Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
It's fluff and fun. I've watched 100's of romcom movies and I enjoyed this one. Kavan Smith is always enjoyable and he was realistic as a father. If you simply want to enjoy a cute love story with children and a single father, have fun. It's nothing more than that. I watch Hallmark movies to take mr away and that's what you get with this movie, despite how silly at some points. Enjoy.
I do not mind feel good movies but this takes the cake!! What with the extreme weather conditions of past weekend, like most, was stuck at home bored when this movie came up and with nothing better on the menu, decided to watch half heartedly. Started okayish but predictable as most of these movies but still carried on. A trainer who worked as a baby sitter on the side. A 12yr old could have done a better job than the lead Daneele's character here and did not seem relatable as I could not believe a grown woman no matter her age, would be that idiotic especially, when looking after a child. I do not have a child but have seen and heard enough and most importantly, intelligent enough to know that you do not leave a child by the beach or in a park etc unattended. You get the gist. Feel good man gets the girl and everyone lives happily ever after but the reality is, you will have to be an idiot of a man to trust such an air-headed woman with your children. I have rated this movie a 1 as there was no redeeming feature in it.