
2013 "His job kept him sane! Now he's just lost it..."
3.8| 1h24m| R| en| More Info
Released: 18 February 2013 Released
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Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A strict father loosens up enough to let his children take a day off school for a trip to the countryside. But things turn darker when the family realize he is planning to make it their last outing ever.

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Ryan Lee Driscoll

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Axed Audience Reviews

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
loomis78-815-989034 British Businessman Kurt Wendell (Hansler) loses his job and he literally snaps. He takes his wife Steph (Gordon) and his sexually active daughter Megan (Poesner) along with wimpy son Jay (Rithin) out to a house in the English countryside. This is where he attempts to act out a murderous plan on his entire family and his boss (Henry Douthwaite) who is tied up in the attic and has been having an affair with his wife. The family knows daddy is up to no good when he gives them all insulting gifts and himself a nice new Axe. Trapped in the middle of nowhere Kurt threatens and abuses his family and eventually stabs to death his boss in a bloody knifing. No one is safe at this point as the mentally unstable Kurt attacks his family through the rest of the running time. Writer/Producer/Director Ryan Lee Driscoll explores the family's hidden secrets and uses the family's indiscretions as fuel for Kurt to 'correct' them. Comparisons will be made between "The Shining's" Jack Torrance and this film's Kurt Wendell character as Dad's who went off the deep end and tried to kill their family. In actuality, he has more in common with the crazy father Jerry Blake of "The Stepfather" films in that the disappointing actions of his family inspire his rage. That is of course looking past that both characters are completely off their rockers. There are a few moments of inspired bloodshed and even some suspense but Driscoll's film loses some credibility along the way. There is a giant pick Ax sitting right outside the door that the victims consistently run past while being helpless terrorized by good old Dad but none of them think to pick it up. There seems to be plenty of other opportunities for the family members to escape and none are taken. These things hurt the overall effectiveness of the film which in the end is still entertaining in a time wasting way.
trashgang This is a low budget that's for sure, you can easily spot it on the way it was filmed and the sound that isn't always that good, especially the dubbed sound. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it even as it never became scary or gory. You just want to know how it is going to end.A very strict father, Kurt Wendell (Jonathan Hansler) can't take it anymore. His wife is having an affair with his boss and he's fired. Not only that, his daughter walks around like a whore and his son looks like a fagot. The day he's fired he goes berserk. But not showing it he takes his family to the countryside for a nice day with dad. From there the horror comes in.The red stuff is available but most of the stabbing or axing is done off-screen. There's a lot of talking going on from dad explaining what he knows about the affair. And a lot of talking with his children. But somehow you want to know who survives and who will die. There's of course a lot of drama in it. The acting did add this flick to a higher level, Jonathan Hansler was believable. But I can understand that some will not like this flick because it's a bit low on the horror. Ideal for a starter.Gore 1/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
Robert W. I am literally shocked at how low a rating this film has. Before I go on I want to mention that I actually really enjoyed this as a horror fan who has seen so much low budget crap lately. No film makers seem to know how use a low budget and still make a good solid movie like John Carpenter used to or people of his calibre. The film isn't perfect, some of it is laughable but that's par for the course when it comes to horror. The film is reminiscent of The Shining in some ways as we watch a man lose his mind and torture his own family. The performances in the film were first rate...I was extremely impressed with this small and very effective cast. The setting was brilliant, creepy and isolated and setting the tone. Perhaps the only complaint (but it is a pretty big complaint) is that you really have to suspend belief and ignore some massive plot holes to find it enjoyable. I know that is absolutely the cast with 99.9% (perhaps 100%) of horror films but I just felt like the script could have paved over those plot holes just a little bit better. Following the climax of the film into the last scenes it definitely treads on some cheesy moments but its so much fun and there is enough tension to keep it plugging along. This, in my opinion, was a solid slasher flick with some very different twists.Jonathan Hansler is outstanding as Kurt Wendell who loses his job and literally spirals out of control until he is a sputtering, raving mad lunatic torturing his own family. His emotional spiral is fast but significant and really well done on his part. His wide eyed, creepy maniac is right up there with any great horror performance. Andrea Gordon is decent as his wife. She shows some great chops in the intense scenes during the climax and her chemistry with Hansler and the two actors playing her children is very good. Christopher Rithin is also very good as the meek and bullied son. He perhaps has the biggest range as a character next to Hansler but at the same time he also feeds a couple of the more cheesy moments in the film. He is still very good in his part. Nicola Posener plays the daughter and does so decently well. She is, in some ways, the weakest member of the cast if not just for the reason that her character has the least range from beginning to end. Her and Rithin have really great chemistry as brother and sister at odds and then working together to survive. In all honesty, this might be one of the strongest low budget casts in a horror flick I have ever seen.It appears as though director and writer Ryan Lee Driscoll has a history in documentaries so this would be his first real foray into fictional film making and horror. I think he shows some incredible talent behind the camera and with the script. It isn't often you can find a unique horror film like this let alone one shot on a low budget that is entertaining and fun to watch. The plot holes that kept nagging at me were how long his family takes before actually trying to get away. I mean he is a middle aged, average shape joe and yet they don't even try to run or overpower him even after finding someone bound and gagged and cut up in their attic. He seems to gain on them no matter how badly hurt he is and no matter how fast they run. Its sort of typical horror movie plot holes but it still bothered me to some extent. I think some slight editing to the screenplay could have perhaps filled in some of these oversights. Regardless, if you like low budget horror than I think this one will really surprise you. For what it is and for what it was made for this one is a keeper!! Far from perfect and yet satisfying and well made. 7.5/10
soapdodgerz this film deals with a subject that make headlines every week sadly.but here it is dealt with darkly black humour.johnathon hansler does a great job as the head of the wendell family. a man who succumbs to the pressures of modern life after losing his job.he takes his family on what they think is an ideal weekend in the country. once there he begins his reign of terror upon his loved ones . the violent scenes could have been a bit more gory which would have added more humour to a grim situation.overall i enjoyed this film and the negative comments don't add up. what do you expect from a film called axed?the director shows real potential and i look forward to more films from him.