Perry Kate
Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Rosie Searle
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
If this movie does not scary you know movie will. This is a very scary movie. It is very underrated. It is not a 2.2. It is a 9. This movie has a great story line. It also has great acting. It also has great special effects. This movie is scarier then The Shinning. And that is not easy to do. This movie is scarier the A Nightmare on elm street. And that is not easy to do. This movie is scarier then Friday the 13th V a new beginning and that is not easy to do. This movie is scarier then Halloween resurrection ever could be. This movie is scarier then Silence of lambs ever could be. This movie it is a great horror movie.
I love zombie movies and especially no budget ones. So this should have been ideal for me. Unfortunately it was not. Awaken the dead is about two strangers that meet up in a safe house. One is an ex-assassin haunted by horrific events in his past. The other is a woman who, we find out later, is a prostitute and the daughter of the priests ex-colleague. They are in the safe house protecting themselves from a horde of zombies. The story is their plight to find the girls father and the people that they meet on the way. I found this a struggle to sit through, as there are long stretches of times when nothing really happens. The way that it was shot did not add to the enjoyment value as it was very grainy with washed out colours. In fact most of the film looks like it was filmed in black and white. The acting was (as expected) of the amateur variety. On their travels they meet a lady who follows them round for about 15 minutes, adds nothing to the story, says about two lines. Is she there for fodder for the zombies, well of course she is !!! There is not that much gore and the zombies looked OK (some better than others). I really just lost interest quite quickly and nothing really kick started me back to attention. There are some positives. I liked the music kinda like a haunting rock soundtrack. A couple of the zombies look quite cool. The director tries to shoot the scenes in a different way, with some of the camera set up's. Eg in one scene there is a spider that crawls down the lens and then stops and frames a zombie coming toward the camera. I just felt that it needed something more and came away disappointed.
Gary Kohn as a man of the cloth forced to deal with a sudden zombie outbreak is one of the only things I can actually recommend about this film. His acting chops make him seem to be destined for bigger and better things. The rest of the cast is acceptable for a film of this ilk I guess. But save for Kohn, no real standouts. Also there was absolutely no chemistry between the two leads rendering a few scenes meaningless at best and grating at worst. As far as extremely low-budget zombie films go, I've seen worse (hell thanks to the Catacomb box-set, I've seen worst in the last month) But its not anything special.
I tend to be undemanding with micro-budgeted horrors, especially when they are made by inexperienced filmmakers. I'm predisposed to look on the bright side, to excuse technical limitations, clunky scripts, plot holes, incompetent direction, bad acting, etc. Instead, I'll focus on the positives: the odd witty line of dialogue, a gripping plot, interesting characters, an unexpected exceptional performance, isolated pieces of directorial flair, surprisingly imaginative and effective special effects and stunt work, or even a well-chosen soundtrack. Things that show promise of future growth, of better movies down the line.This movie contains none of these things. In fact, it may well be the worst movie I've ever managed to sit through from beginning to end. The barely competent direction and cinematography tries for style, but ends up pretentious and annoying. The grainy and colourless (almost monochrome) visuals don't seem to be the fault of technical limitations, but rather an aesthetic choice that simply doesn't work. The plot is senseless, the characters worthless clichés; the dialogue tries to be witty, but fails. The effects are unconvincing even when the budget is taken into account. There are no shocks, no scares, no laughs, no thrills of any kind. There are a lot of tracks on the soundtrack (in fact, much of the movie plays like a series of music videos), but they are uniformly lame. The acting never gets above adequate, and is often far below that level. You can tell that the three lead actors are better than their material, but there is nothing here for them to work with. As bad as this movie is, I recognise that completing any kind of movie is very difficult, and I have to give the filmmakers credit for their effort. I wish them all the best for their careers. From here, the only way is up.