Simply Perfect
If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Tymon Sutton
The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Andy Clark
Having read the entire Autumn series previously, I was extremely nervous when this appeared in my Netflix queue. I was hot/cold on the books, and I felt the pacing was very poor in the books. I was also afraid because most book to movie projects just completely go in a different directions.Unfortunately for this movie, that part of the books carried over.That being said, the good parts of the book also carried over into this movie. You actually care about the living characters and I really didn't find that I felt there was one that i just wanted to die immediately.Unfortunately, it's pretty much a snooze-fest. Worth taking the time to watch once (I would definitely recommend the books to any zombie fiction fanatic), but after seeing it once I haven't really had that urge to watch it again.Honestly though, if you skip this movie, you aren't missing anything. It really is only here for fans of David Moody's book series.
As the season turns to autumn a virus sweeps in and kills off most of the population. A few survivors scramble and meet up at sort of town hall where they discuss what to do. Michael (Fletcher) convinces Carl (Tolson) and Emma (Kamenov) that the safest place would be a large house in the country and off they go. After a few intense exchanges while trying to secure supplies, they find their house and set up camp. The dead quickly reanimate and in time begin to become more intelligent and more aggressive. It isn't long before they are being over run at the country house. Adapted from the Novel by David Moody, Director Steven Rumbelow brings this unusual zombie movie to life. Moody and Rumbelow worked the screenplay here and it focuses on the shocked and isolated characters and what they should do next. With no idea of what the virus was and why they survived this keeps them in a state of shock. The audience sees through their eyes and is drawn into the story with them. An interesting and fresh idea is that the longer the dead rot the nastier they look and become. The movie may be considered slow by today's movie going public but those with patience will enjoy this treat as it unfolds and become more frightening as it goes on. The film certainly could have used a bigger budget considering the scale of what they are pitching with the story but it remains entreating throughout. The acting is of quality and the screenplay lets you care about these characters. There are no shocks or jumps the terror comes from the situation. This is perfect for those who are tired of the zombie rehash that is flooding the market.
I am not sure WHO thought up this movie to make it so bad. It started out pretty good but turned in to a soap opera with no action. I always love a good zombie movie but this one just did not cut it. The camera was shaking at times even when it was just focusing on a few people talking. It was dark through a few good action parts. Made no sense as to why some zombies attacked and other did not. Im usually very easy to scare. Even "The Cavern" scared me. This movie, I did not jump once. There was no "oh there might be a zombie behind me" moments, nothing. I even got so bored I got up and got on the computer in another room. Came back and it was still the same thing going on...talking...Please do not waste your time on this movie. Or $5 like I did.
I must say I am deeply concerned about the credibility of many of the reviewers of this film. (Please don't review movies if you haven't watched them, or watched a pirated version, or have only seen the trailer). To call this movie one of the worst movies ever made is a grave injustice. In fact, if I wanted to waste my time with your insufferable reviews, I would go through and give all of you an unhelpful marks, for your comments about this film. Many of you clearly didn't even watch the film, based on the things you said, and I can only guess that many of the reviewers used pirated versions rather than the version that I saw. Another problem is that many of you are commenting about this film who dislike the genre in the first place.They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That is usually what happens with zombie movies nowadays. This film was creative and original. It tried some new things, and didn't just follow the typical formula.Sure it didn't have a huge budget, the lighting was off at times, but it was overall a very original well done film. In fact, some of the cinematography was downright haunting and beautiful. This movie is right up there with Colin as one of the best lower budget and most original zombie movies.I should also let all the haters know that I watch every zombie and infected movie. I consider myself as close to an expert as they come. This is my favorite Genre. From Night of the living dead to Colin, Ponty Pool, Day of the dead (1985), 28 days later, Rec2, Cemetery man, White zombie, Dead Snow, Tokyo Zombie, Fido, Zombie, Deadgirl, Return of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and on and on, I have seen virtually all of them and for any serious zombie fan, this deserves to be given your attention.I must apologize to the actors and filmmakers, that there are so many actual zombies out there in the real world reviewing this film. I will give this film a 9 out of 10.