Just perfect...
From my favorite movies..
Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
It's got to be a warning when the big marquee names are ex reality TV contestants and comedians who wonder what happened to their once-thriving careers. This group of cardboard cut-out non-entities are perhaps the main flaw in a deeply flawed movie. Imagine how this puerile rubbish was pitched: "Hey there's this guy, right, and he loses his wee-wee, and gets a new one... and then we can do these jokes about Viagra and 69s and poo and farts and other stuff that we came up with after six beers and a whole stack of old comedy tapes. Yay, we got a winner!" Since they've used every other tacky gimmick, how about issuing the audience with 1D glasses to see the characters in all their glory? With characters as feeble as these, the movie can at least be saved by some great jokes. Which makes it more of a shame that there aren't any.
"There's nothing funny about Meat Pie.It's a bunch of set pieces with people getting sh*t on and ejaculated on, blokes kissing blokes, and things happening for no reason. The acting's worse than a skit on The Footy Show, the "jokes" are bastardisations of gags from other films and The Simpsons, it's borderline racist - and much worse, completely nonsensical." And I'll just add that it's rude, pointless, stupid, unfunny, pathetic, and it cost me 80 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. It's the worst thing I have ever seen, and I hope that nobody makes the same mistake I did of being nice enough to give it a chance
Recipe for Meat Pie... Ingredients: Some incompetent film-making hobbyists, grand ideas blended with total delusion, crude jokes stolen from the nearest schoolyard playground, nonsensical material that's just plain unfunny... and a whole lot of egos, each convinced that he is in charge and an "expert".Method: After writing woefully inept script, reject feedback from people who actually have a clue about writing. Remain convinced that this is "commercial hit" material. After unsuccessfully trying to recruit pure talent such as John Cleese, Bryan Brown and Michael Caton, or celebrities such as Steve Irwin, cast some washed-up comedians and former reality TV contestants. Cluelessly throw together a film with a camera from the local pawnbroker and await mocking from anyone unfortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the garbage
I'm all for freedom of expression, and would never deny someone the right to independently get a message across to film audiences. However this movie, an attempt at independent comedy, seriously stands in the way of other people having the chance to express themselves. It also demeans just about every group in society with its feeble attempts at humour, and insults viewers in the process. Seriously, who thinks audiences are going to be amused by jokes about masturbation, menstruation, penis transplants and various racist and homophobic slurs? The Australian film industry is struggling to find an identity, and, as much as I admire anyone with a mission to get some Australian product out there, films like this will only damage the industry's already-low reputation and stop real films with real messages getting the chance they deserve.