good back-story, and good acting
A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
"The most offensive, most shocking film ever!" Is the plot line given from the filmmakers. It's basically a found videotape of serial killer/rapist/thieves stealing, raping, and killing.Violence for the sake of violence. This movie ran about 82 minutes long and about 50 minutes of it were elongated rape scenes. They do a good job at making the gore look 'real' for the most part, but when there isn't a point to it....why should we care? The only interesting scene is when the man cuts off his own penis with a pair of scissors, which looks painfully real. The whole point was for the picture quality to be bad, but it's beyond bad. It was probably shot with a mid 90's VHS-C camcorder in a lot of low-light situations. You could even see the little rainbow at the top and bottom of the screen the entire time. The grain is effective, but not bearable for the entire 82 minutes. Second, the audio was way muffled obviously...I had to turn my speakers way up to be able to if there was much dialogue to hear anyways. The camera shook and moved way too much for me to understand what was going on some of the time as well....which was the whole point, but it's just not good film making. Last, there were maybe 7 edits through the entire movie, and they were just to cut off scenes that were running way too long. They were attempting to make this look like a real serial killing trio's tape of mischief. Therefore, they should try and do their best to act like real serial killers. What I saw was a few 30 year olds running around screaming curse words a lot. No one with an IQ above 10 uses the curses like they do in every sentence. All of the acting was just not at all creative, and when they were at an obvious loss for words...of course you would just hear them curse some more. The people being raped also never fought back, which was entirely unrealistic as well.Bottom Line: The point of this was to be an extreme gore/shock fest. It's similar to the Guinea Pig series in a way, but without the style or even as much gore. I satisfied my curiosity and was definitely dumbfounded on how blatantly mindless this piece of crap actually was. If these guys could maybe mix a bit of their special effect talent with some script writing or technical work they might be onto something. As for this, it's one long dragging uninspired rape scene after another. It's been done, and it's been done a lot better.
Chelseaa Benwell
In a nut shell, as I've seen many others' say in their reviews of this movie, it's a fake snuff film. Not the kind that tried to be clever or even slightly entertaining, however. Essentially, the whole movie uses shock tactic after shock tactic to lure you into thinking either, "some people will do anything for a bit of cash" or "why even bother?" You'll be given rape, murder, vomit, blood, degradation and much more but unfortunately, not a plot line. You are following a few sick people around with a shaky camera and little to no talent. I can see why some people find it difficult to watch, because it's just god awful. I'm one to give any kind of horror a go at watching, and I did watch the entirety of August Underground's Mordum, but I came out of it feeling slightly unfulfilled and horribly embarrassed. I get that there is a market for these kind of movies, and I'm not going to judge those who enjoy them. But I seriously think there are so many flaws here that could have easily been prevented simply by the actors themselves being a little more believable. I suppose I give props to the SFX, but aside from that I just felt I was watching an amateur submission for an indie gore movie competition. Good on them for making a movie recognised for being one of the sickest films ever made but come on, guys... Even A Serbian Film had a plot (albeit a good budget, too.)If you want to give this movie a go for yourself, honestly, go ahead. Just don't expect anything with value or any kind of entertainment knowledge. Also, be prepared for the final scene with the dead 5 year old as it sets this movie up as "yeah, these people will literally do anything for money."
Well, about what you would expect I guess. There isn't much of a storyline here at all. You are going to get your sick crap and plenty of it. Not really much outside of torture, bondage rape kinda stuff. There isn't any plot and there is a lot of yelling throughout the whole movie. Lots of rape, violent torture stuff, just tries to be sick, but it's pretty fake to me. I guess for a low budget the effects probably aren't that bad. I guess some people might like this kind of stuff, but I am not one. I have it a 2 just due to the lead actress, she can act for sure.
THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS When I say terrible I mean the acting, effects, camera, everything in the movie. It starts off with a guy having sex with his girlfriend then the guy is yelling "OPEN THE F*CKING DOOR OR I WILL BREAK IT DOWN " and it shows that he has a hammer in his hand a few seconds later the girl and guy yell at each other. The guy is saying "YOU'RE A FU**IN WH*RE YOU STUPID B*TCH" then the girl walks away from yelling and screaming she then gets a peace of glass and cuts herself. Later on they break into a house and kill a guy with a hammer. Trust me it's a waste of time a I'm surprised I watched the full thing. There is about 4 rape scenes the first one has a girl being forced to rub another girls vagina. A man is forced to cut off his own penis with scissors it shows everything. A Few seconds later the girl puts it in her mouth then puts it in the other girls vagina. Sorry if it's hard to read my typing. It starts off stupid and ends stupid and it is boring cause there is no plot and no story. You will fall asleep because it is very sh*tty and annoying.I wasted my time on this peace of sh**.