Purely Joyful Movie!
One of my all time favorites.
Admirable film.
Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
The art of making a good low budget film is a true skill. One location, only a few actors - many times these films are hard to watch. Anonymous 616 though is incredible, not only on a production standpoint, great cinematography and sound -- but the actors do a great job and it often kept me on the edge of my seat. And the bloody mess that it becomes is a high point if you're into that sort of thing. The script is masterfully crafted by Mike Boss who also directs, and although the ending not cup of tea, nonetheless I praise the masterpiece at work.
Anonymous 616 is eerie and intense in nature, which leaves you glued to your seat in suspense as it takes you for the ride of your life in this psychological thriller/horror. A well done performance by actor Daniel DeWeldon as Jason, a man who descends into madness after returning home from Iraq. This is a must see and I am looking forward into seeing many more of DeWeldon's Work.
Please is time to create the minus -11. Low low cheap budget movie, no actors, dialogue by force, no production, no director, this is a cheap low budget movie made by a bunch of neighbors in California, no story no history, nothing, no FX nothing, really terrible movie no waste your time download this horrible terrible movie. For sure the good comments are the families and neighbors of the dudes and the poor producer and director. This people and his director must be ban to produce or make another domestic VHS home movie.No real story, bad acting. Waste of time.
Genuinely interesting premise and plot that goes into unchartered territory. I was pleasantly surprised by the intelligent exploration of both philosophical and psychological complexities. Definitely worth watching for its unique story as it shines a glaring light on PTSD, closeted opinions, repressed emotions, technology and Big Brother. The lead actor demonstrates an authentic portrayal of one affected by war, a God-complex, and betrayal in love and friendship.