
1982 "Meet Max 404. He's a little over five years old. He just met his first woman. It's time to get down to Earth."
5.8| 1h20m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 15 October 1982 Released
Producted By: New World Pictures
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Eccentric scientist Dr. Daniel and his shy assistant Max lead a quiet life on their space station, carrying out illegal research on androids, until they receive an unwelcome visit from three fugitives one of whom is female. Both Dr. Daniel and Max show an interest in her, but one of the other visitors has more sinister intentions.

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Aaron Lipstadt

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New World Pictures


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Android Audience Reviews

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
bpearlmutter This movie was made on a negligable budget on the set of a bigger budget movie, in the short time between the end of filming and set tear-down. It relies not on special effects but on good writing and acting, with the script quickly worked to match the constraints of the set. Like other kinds of art, part of the strength of this sort of movie can come from how it overcomes the constraints of the form. Here the story is subtle with a few clever twists and turns, and touches on serious intellectual issues like what it means to be human, the nature of free will and choice, good and evil in the face of the posthuman malleable notion of self, and (the actors relished this) how we should face a tradeoff between being likable and being competent. It touches some of the same themes as "Blade Runner", like how morality shifts when our creations cross the boundary between being tools and being people. Highly recommended.
bobc-5 Take a predictable android sci-fi plot, a coming of age story, some cops & robbers, and a pinch of "Bride of Frankenstein". Put it all in a low-budget ensemble film and stir vigorously. What you end up with is interesting, engaging, and unique in spite of its obvious flaws.Android Max and his scientist master are living in a remote space station when they are joined by a trio of fugitives - a beauty, a beast, and a brain. The brain figures that they've stumbled onto something valuable seeing as how androids have been outlawed on Earth ever since the uprising. It turns out that at a certain age, the androids become disrespectful, insubordinate, and obsessed with sex. In other words, they turn into adolescents. So we can all sympathize with what Max is going through when he sees a female for the very first time. Meanwhile, the scientist is working on a new and improved replacement for Max, a model which just happens to also be a gorgeous blond woman.The plot lines are cliché and full of holes, the ending is a bit of a cheat, and the special effects are weak. The film works, however, because it pays close attention to the things which matter, mainly Max and his own isolated world. Although many have criticized the cheap sets, they maintain a coherent mood and atmosphere which is entirely successful in creating a fictional space in which the story can take place. Max himself is one of the most intelligently scripted and well acted android characters to ever appear on screen. You'll be disappointed if you're looking for action or deep meanings, but if you allow yourself to take an interest in Max you may find yourself thinking about him long after the film has ended.
Oslo Jargo (Bartok Kinski) When the title first started rolling and I noticed how cheap and inferior the sets and special effects were, I thought I might as well not see this. But as it turns out, I wasn't bored. Sure the acting is worse than a z grade horror movie and Max 404 is the wimpiest android of them all but I was drawn to finish it out. Klaus Kinski is underused and absurd in this role, but so what? The plot concerns an android who wants to be human and some space convicts that land on the orbiting space station. The space station looks like a French disco and the music is horribly dated, but maybe that is why it looks like something to watch, keep an eye on the homage to Lang's 'Metropolis'...
silversprdave This movie is a change of pace from my usual scream and wince horror flicks. Yet another movie distantly based on the P. K. Dick Sci-Fi short story "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", this movie is somewhat slow, but enjoyable. I gave rated it a 7 when I saw it in theatrical release way back in 1982. From my movie notes - I see that I even called it "charming". That might be going a little bit overboard, but it is worth watching.

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