It is a performances centric movie
When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
This movie centers on a group of Philippine-Americans who meet for dinner (adobo-style cooking). Each in the group is having relationship problems and the film follows them as they each come to a turning point in their love lives.I have reviewed something like a bazillion movies on IMDb and I noticed a long time ago that I tend to rate films a little harsher than average. Because of this, I tend to get much more than my fair share of "not helpful" votes. Despite this, I continue being a somewhat harsh critic since I don't review films to make friends. However, this film is a rare case where all the reviews are far harsher and the overall rating far lower than I'd give the film. It makes me start to wonder if I was wrong in liking this film....well, no it doesn't.Now I could understand someone not liking this movie for a few reasons. First, this movie starts off very slowly and it's hard to like it during the first half hour or so. Heck, I considered turning it off--mostly because so many of the characters are unlikable and this is a SERIOUS problem for this style of film. Second, there is an awful lot of nudity, very strong language and adult content--again, some of this (particularly the language) seemed inappropriate for this type of movie.When I say "this type of movie", I mean an ethnic slice of life film--much like EAT, DRINK, MAN, WOMAN or DOUBLE HAPPINESS or BOLLYWOOD/Hollywood. The sort of movies that may make excellent date films or family films. However, I really couldn't see showing this to my kids even though they are teens--it's just got too many boobs and the dreaded F-word by the scores.Now if you can look past the harshness of the film, it does get a lot better and fortunately some of the less likable characters do improve as the film continues. However, I do agree with one of the reviews that felt a couple of the better subplots alone might have made a better film. The story of the spinster and the gay man were very compelling and touching. The rest, unfortunately, are harder to enjoy since the characters are pretty selfish.However, I am a sucker for films like this because they emphasize story and people. Now I can't accurately know what the Filipino experience is like--so how close they actually got to realistic characters is a bit of a mystery to me. But I liked the writing and story and for the life of me I cannot understand why it's rated THAT low. Oh well, to each his or her own.
Made me embarrassed to be Filipino. Oversentimental, disconnected, melodramatic drivel that plays on what some people think of as Filipino stereotypes, perpetuates them, and then attempts to put them together in one group setting. The acting is bad, the writing is bad -so do yourself a favor and save your rental fees.
As a Filipino American filmmaker, I was excited to sit and watch a film about Filipinos. What I got was. a film about Filipinos from filmmakers who seem to think that 'we' are not intelligent human beings.
Who was this film made for? Americans? Filipinos? Everyone? I'm not saying the characters were non-intelligent, but the way the story was told seemed like it was told to those who wouldn't get it.Subtext? Where was it?If this was a film made for American's then I'm embarrassed at the representation. Not the representation as far as character and story, but the representation as far as Filipino filmmakers and their work.If this was a film made for Filipinos, then I'd have to ask. are we this dumb that you have to over explain things?As user, `mhark villaruz' states, `the film tends to over explain things'. That was a huge complaint of mine which I posed to another Filipino director. He argued that maybe that is how Filipinos really are. They wear their emotion on their sleeve and nothing is left to subtext.
Okay, I can buy that, but that is not what filmmaking and solid story telling is all about. Is it? My argument was that the non-subtextual style of characters was an insult to us as intellectual viewers. Again, why over explain things?The performers could only do so much based on a script and a director directing them. So here are a few things that stand out.-Was it kinda `stagey'? Cheating to the camera is one thing, but playing to the camera as Marissa (Bonnevie) did in the break up scene was just so. well, `stagey'! (that was just one of many)-Who knew Gerry (Davao) was gonna kiss Mike (De Leon)? Was that just so fricken' obvious? That didn't come out of nowhere but it could have. And if it did, it would have been a very dramatic moment. And what does it say about Davao's character, who we rooted for, when he was so in love with a man dying of AIDS? He just cheated on his life long partner at the END of the movie!!!If the film was structurally sound, the archs would have been more convincing.The 'kiss' and Tere's (Picache) breakdown, for example, could have all been structured as a midpoint sequence. It would have been interesting to watch their lives play out for the whole second act after that. Then we could see rewards for what they went through at the VERY end: Gerry possibly coming to terms with his mother and Mike, or Tere finding the love of her dreams, etc. etc. etc.Overall, the film was able to portray life here (America) as Filipino Americans and some of the cultures: The party where people were dancing in the b.g. (where was the pig on the table?), the American/Filipino language, the rich bitch, the political angst, the hardships, and the results of labor.But it lacked in direction, story and style.What got it made? Here's your answer: PASSION.PASSION - the number one lesson from this film for future or current filmmakers!
I have heard so many good reviews about this film, for me basically the movie is about, how do Filipinos adapt to a very different place. The film entails a lot of challenges in life one has to face especially if not in his homeland. The story is light, sad moments were not so sad, and funny moments were not so funny.One thing though, the film tends to over explain things, this would have done better. It is one of those movies that equates food into the story, this time i have hardly seen the connection, it did not show up to the mainstream of the movie.The characters did perform well, though some parts wherein they were acting unnaturally. The script is very light.Ricky Davao,I should say did very well in the movie, he deserves to be in the list of best actors in the Philippines.American Adobo tastes good,but it's overcooked. 5/10