Perry Kate
Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
everything you have heard about this movie is true.
It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Staci Frederick
Blistering performances.
Okay what can I say I relate to this movie. Sweet neurotic nice guy meets damaged bad boy. And guy gets guy at the end. My heart swoons. I am a big goofy romantic what can I say. Finally a movie where the gay characters are not the best friend or stylish confidant to the lovelorn female character.The cast it perfect. Good performances by everyone in the cast.Only regret is that is would have been nice for the stripper to have been interested in Eli rather than Tom. I would really have liked Tom to have been jealous and seen that Eli is just as hot in his own neurotic way.
Richard Ruccolo is remarkable- hot and engaging and intelligent and brittle attractive and unlikable and totally human and recognizable in this film. And that pretty much describes the film as well. It takes something special to get me to watch any movie more than once. I've watched this one, in parts or in total, a half dozen times. I start because I really like watching Ruccolo and then stay because the supporting cast is as good as you'll find in any major studio "romantic comedy" (including a hoot-out-loud cameo by Lisa Kudrow) and the script is much, much smarter than most. Actually, I'm watching the movie as I write this and I have to stop and pay more attention because it's better than I remembered.
I find it amusing as to how many different people saw something different in this movie. Perhaps I'm a sucker for a romantic comedy, especially between two men, but this movie isn't a "gay" movie. It is all about relationships. Yes, dysfunctional ones. Are there any other kind? I found the movie to be very believable and actually know people who could be these characters. The dialogue is very witty and I actually found myself laughing out loud on occasion and also well up with a tear as well. It is difficult for a movie to make someone both laugh and cry. I found myself not just identifying with these characters, but rooting for them. The movie shows the changing culture in the gay community as well, as we move from one night stands to buying matching night stands for the bedroom that we share with the one we love. I think the real story of this movie is that none of us know what we're really looking for until we actually find it. Watch this movie. If you're gay, it's a must see and if you're straight, it's a great chick flick. I loved it!!
Why would a person go back to a person, who kicks them in the teeth, not once, not twice, but over and over again.This film teaches us that in order to find love we must accept abuse (not just forgive it, but fully accept it). Gosh! No wonder my first relationship only lasted ten years. I obviously wasn't embracing my inner masochist.As Bucatinsky's writing debut, there are many wonderful aspects to this film; however, in order to justify the reunion of Eli and Tom, more character development would have been helpful. We are never acquainted with Eli's masochism, in fact, we are led to believe that he is not a masochist, although Tom's psycho-emotional sadism is highly evident.