Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Haven Kaycee
It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Christopherlesliebarratt's review was superb and was the reason I chose to watch this. I was not disappointed. I quite love to watch Australian movies despite the lack of box office success. And there are so many actors in this with whom one is familiar. Because of the diversity of our Australian population there are many stories like this. Some sadly will not end this way but hope is a good thing. Situations like this have been happening for generations and I surmise it will happen more and more as our depth of heritage bases grows.
I have to say, for an unrated movie, I found it very enjoyable. Yes it was rather silly at times, though it wasn't too bad. At least it wasn't like Romeo and Juliet, where they kill themselves in the end because of their families not agreeing with their love! In the movie, Alex seemed to be a very outgoing Greek-Australian guy but what I couldn't understand was - why on earth did he ask his students to give him love advice? Does he have friends at all? That was kinda freaky because in reality, no teacher would tell their students their own personal life. Even though this is meant to be a romantic goofy story, the character should've been more stricter and reserved in my opinion. At least he's not a dumbass and stands up for himself when it comes to his family pressuring him to marry a Greek girl!Eve doesn't seem to be that Lebanese girl you normally don't see. She really likes to show herself off even if she's not suppose to haha. She's quite the girly girl but at the same time, she's not a brave one as Alex is. She probably could do with opening up to get her parents, this would make them realise that they shouldn't make her marry the man she doesn't love, and marry Alex whom she is deeply in love with. At least in the end, herself and Alex were whisked away as a married couple. They had to be together anyway, they were definitely meant for each other! I absolutely loved her headpiece as its beautiful and different♡This movie was a pleasure to watch, it was different and it was good learning from different cultures between Lebanon & Greece together. It isn't one of my favorite movies I've seen but, I would advise anyone to watch it as it is watchable! I would give this film a 8/10.
Vito Doria
"Alex and Eve" is a movie that combines comedy and drama despite being labelled as a comedy.The movie does have touches of "Romeo and Juliet", "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and even "The Graduate" but this multicultural film is not a carbon copy of either of them.Some ethnic Australian movies can be very clichéd, dated and predictable but most of the generalisations featured here are applicable to real life. The characters in the film are similar to the type of people that someone would see in multicultural Australia today, not just 30-40 years ago.Some of the criticism from other reviews is that the scenes with the school kids seem fake or exaggerated but for anyone who has been around people of Lebanese descent, characters like these aren't completely made up.Despite the romance between Alex and Eve, the ethnic theme of this movie, especially the tension between the two families, means that this will never fit the "rom-com" or "chick flick" tag and different kinds of people can enjoy the wild swing in emotions in this movie.
Guys only watch this movie if you want to be disappointed, its the most cliché, cheesy and awkward film ever. The people who have wrote reviews on this film are obviously very delusional or I believe they have watched a completely different film and are confused don't mind them, Or worst case scenario they actually enjoyed this terrible recording on camera they call a film I don't know how to comment all I can say is I pity the critics as they have probably never seen a good film before. This movie made me feel stressed and feel sorry for the actors as they seem uneasy throughout the entire film. Plain and simple this movie was just bad due to the poor directing, bad actors and the film soundtrack being played from a cheap CD ROM. I'm sorry but that's truth and I really don't know what else to say, don't believe me go watch it and ENJOY !!!!.