Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Best movie of this year hands down!
Aubrey Hackett
While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
This movie must've been made on an absolute shoestring budget. Hilariously bad. Just a couple of examples:1. The voiceover in the beginning with the scrolling text and stars shooting in the background-- why the terrible, terrible audio quality?
2. The vision in the alleyway-- why isn't the Skyface's mouth moving?
3. And MUCH, MUCH MORE!Good times.
OK, no awards could ever be given for this movie. Also, I would never want to 'spoil' anyone's experience of this film by revealing plot details, but I will let all know that this does not come from a comic book, which movies I often enjoy. I think the comic elements are unintentional, sort of like 'Santa Claus Conquers the Martians' is. Or possibly it's more early Whovian, with good vs evil. At least, in its amusing awfulness, it is sort of, kind of, original. And the categories are: Sound--I think there was some taping of audio in a toilet. It sometimes had that 'hollow' sound to it. Lighting--Fluorescent works well, so go with it. (Sarcasm) Actually some scenes were better lit than others. Screenplay--dialogue so poor it seems as if just everyone was miscast. No one could pull off the dialogue, especially with these actors. Costumes--off the rack Canadian gear. There are costumes for a few characters. Editing--It looks as if there is only one camera, so it cuts back and forth--a lot. Casting--looks like friends and family. or maybe fellow students. Music--has original music at least. Cinematography--sadly lacking. Anyway, this is a terrible movie with great entertainment values. You might throw popcorn at the screen though.Over the top acting abounds!
Jasey Nicholas
I have a theory about movies by directors who wear too many hats, actor, writer, jack-of-all-trades; they are almost all micro budget and almost always suck. Either the director is trying to save money by cutting the size of the cast, or are deluded enough to think they can perform all roles better than others who have spent years honing their craft. After seeing that the director, also cast himself as Thor, it is likely the latter.The director and writer have a long list of credits. How? Why? In what universe was this allowed to happen? To be fair to the writer though, maybe the story started off good before it was "improved" by the director, producer or some other "executive" with power but not the skill.The movie begins with a Star Wars-like scrolling text which blabs on about Asgard, Midgard and other weakly veiled Tolkein rip-offs. Fine, whatever, get us into the story, but it drags on and on, precious minutes wasted, the same info could have been said in 1/4 the words. Strangely, music plays over a voice-over narration of the scrolling words, as a result of the music, we can't hear the narration.The opening shot of a car and gunmen posing by a car in a snowy parking lot, drags on as well. We see shots of gunmen cocking the weapons, a shot of a gun being cocked backlit by a car headlight; walking towards camera in slow-mo and then seemingly repeating the walk towards camera again. Also, this is shot in video, probably high definition but video just the same.There's some kind of scene between the Gods early on, with a multi-colored aurora borealis light effect don't know what they are saying and don't care.Acting is wooden and fake at worst, and hammy at best. The tall, manicured-bearded villain or main henchman of the piece is the most entertaining. Hammy in the extreme, but he is fun to watch. Even the ridiculous, extended fight scene with the female detective is fun. Watching him fake fight with the grunting gal is strangely painful but fun at the same time. The female detective looks like somebody's girlfriend or relative, cast as a favor. She is too young, too feminine to be believable as a tough homicide detective. Wide-eyed, and out-of-her-depth she stumbles through the movie doing the best she can. But is let down by the story, and cheapo production value.There is something about a "battle suit" being developed by scientists that gives the wearer amazing powers. How amazing? Well, he might look like a total Mighty Morphin Power Ranger spastic but he can conjure blue fire balls with his battle suit gloved hands and unleash said blue fire balls at 70s era-like Godzilla style flying dinosaur puppets.There are also some other characters, in rented Halloween-like costumes, witches, warlocks who gather here and there and chatter a lot. Not sure what that's about.Bottom lime, only worth watching for a laugh.P.S. Did I mention that the sound was added in post and dialogue is not synched to actors.
Evil enchantress Hell is planning to destroy the world. This will also have consequence in the godly kingdom of Asgard, namely bring Ragnarok (destruction of godly realm) upon them. But humans in Midgard (earth) no longer worships the gods, so gods themselves cannot intervene in their affairs. The solution is to give the great descendant of Thor Grant Farrel a Thor like power to battle the forces of darkness.If you watch this movie, you'll notice that it's not a high budget, but everything else is high production. The story, the screenplay, the acting are all above par. What's most surprising is that unlike most B movies that rely on shtik to keep the story going, this movie keeps excitement from start to finish without any.I have to say that I was pretty impressed, and was entertained. Keep up the good work guys, and 'hope you'll have opportunity to make bigger budget movie next time around.