
2007 "Fatigue. Hypothermia. Death."
5.2| 1h34m| R| en| More Info
Released: 20 February 2007 Released
Producted By: Peter Rommel Productions
Country: Germany
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A weekend cruise on a luxurious party yacht goes horribly wrong for a group of old high-school friends when they get stuck in the water many miles from shore and a happy reunion turns into a fight for survival.

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Hans Horn

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Peter Rommel Productions


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Adrift Audience Reviews

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
annawasilewska-69793 The movie is far fetched. The group of people dies one by one as they are not able to climb back the yacht! They make so many attempts to clim back and nothing works! The watcher has an abvious solution of all the men supporting one beautiful lady with their shoulders to climb back but the stupid director leaves this solution as the last resort! What a scam! Boring and upsetting plot of events! Any group of crazy young people in similar life threatening events would obviously have this idea! I mean, I would!!! Nowadays kids climb the trees without branches! One does the hands the other climbs. Why the group of strong men can't do it! This movie could have been done better? The outcome is foreseeable from the beginning, nothing to surprise the watcher. Rubbish!
shannen-l-c I should have learned from past mistakes with these kind of films, but since I have some free leisurely time I decided to make my way through Netflix's suggestions and that's how I came to find Open Water 2: Adrift, which was apparently 97% suited to me. What makes this movie so terrible, in my opinion, is not that it's unrealistic as other reviewers claim it to be, but because it's so boring. Like many of these kind of films you know that the characters are going to die one by one leaving the main female protagonist to reign at the end. It was incredibly hard to be invested in the characters since most of them were irritating and completely one-dimensional. The acting was mediocre and that meant the relationships between the characters felt lacking, and I think in such an intense situation and whereby the entire movie is focused on that one group of people in the same setting, that connection between the characters and actors was incredibly important. What struck me from the beginning is how ridiculous the situation is. It seems like there should be an easy solution, but in reality there ISN'T, and people claiming otherwise are clearly unaware of how difficult it is to tread water in the middle of the open ocean, against the current and when in a panicked state. As a child I was swept out with my dad far out into the ocean, and let me tell you, even the strongest swimmers will struggle to keep treading water in that situation. Admittedly, some of the decisions the characters make aren't the most logical ones, but I'm sure anyone in that situation would have lapses in judgement. No one knows how they'd react in a life or death situation like that and fear can easily take over. However, I did find that the movie got more and more unrealistic as it continued. After treading water for what I can only assume is 4+ hours, why would anyone then decide to search the huge open ocean for a knife? Anyone with a brain cell knows that's an impossible task that would only result in death. Furthermore the fact that the Eric Dane's character survived is beyond unrealistic. There's no way anyone could have the energy or strength to keep afloat in a violent current like that in the middle of a storm, particularly after already having been in the water for hours without food or water. In addition, the main female character Amy (Susan May Pratt) finally manages to get aboard the boat after hours of fighting for survival and then decides voluntarily dive back into the ocean (leaving her infant child aboard the boat alone, might I add) to save the very asshole that had created the disaster that had killed her partner and all of her friends? Overall, Open Water 2: Adrift is a rather pointless viewing experience. I didn't get any enjoyment from watching it or particularly learn anything (except not to jump into the sea off a boat without having a way to get back onboard - duh). It's not a TERRIBLE movie, but it's certainly not good either. I suppose for those that are a fan of these kind of disaster movies set in water, it may be more enjoyable, but generally I can't imagine there are many people that would enjoy this movie.
wamwatcher I see there's a lot of discussion on this film about "they should have tried this" ~ but I just couldn't get my brain past the part where SIX, count 'em, 6, IDIOT adults jump into the water & no one checks to see if there's a way back up! After that, any character who dies is just Natural Selection, so I didn't care about any of them. Obviously made only to cash in on Open Water, & one of the dumbest non-supernatural thrillers I've seen in years.
Chase_Witherspoon Watchable if at times frustrating tale of a six-pack of friends/acquaintances who find themselves stranded in the ocean unable to reach the deck of their luxury yacht after a moment of patent idiocy. Compounding the situation, one of the couples has an infant daughter still aboard the vessel, alas too young to fend for herself nor come to their rescue.The idiocy of the characters' response to their predicament is overwhelming - I appreciate a regular Joe/Jill's judgement would be impaired in such a situation, but the sheer scale and repetitiveness of this brainless behaviour is staggering. A cynical viewer might suggest the filmmakers conceived the most inept reactions you could make in the circumstances, and then made a movie showcasing that stupidity. Mistake after mistake leaves few survivors and whilst the methods are all unique, there's a conspicuously absent MO that disappointed me the most (though I won't spoil the surprise).Bares zero relation to its predecessor other than the tenuous concept of being stranded at sea, and whilst the panic and mood patterns displayed seem realistic, the situations are all clichés compounded by an ambiguous ending that disappoints. Not terrible, but falls short of expectations.