So much average
Just what I expected
Absolutely the worst movie.
While eventually the meek are supposed to inherit the earth, first they stop in Japan to inherit two million yen off the Yakuza and Baby Yakuza as portrayed here by the Keystone Kops.But while our two little wallflower protagonists find a whopping $2MY, the real score is in finding each other. And guess what...pretty soon, they'll be Mr and Mrs Meek.Yuck...The characters in this film lack both adrenaline and drive... The casting director I think was too good for the film's own good, and our humdrum hero and heroine just never seem to get the action, nor the romance, in gear.Granted the mousey librarian of a nurse does get a fashion makeover; who would have ever thought she was so beautiful? Eventually besides a couple of nice outfits, she adopts a bit of matching verve (swoon as she takes off her glasses and almost kisses a boy, savor as she kicks off her heels and chases down a bus).Yawn...The acquaintances to the crime are just too quaint, I feel I was the victim here.3/10
Adrenaline Drive is highly derivative of existing genres: the on-the-run-from-the-mob-with-a-sack-full-of-money heist movie combined with a teen romance, but throws in such great slapstick humor and endearing characters that make the film completely entertaining to watch. It's got a sense of humor reminiscent of Beat Takeshi's films, but more lighthearted and broad. Everyone on the cast shows great comedic skill. My personal favorites are the pack of ditzy nurses who spend all their time slacking on the job, and Suzuki's boss, who taunts him relentlessly. The actor who plays Suzuki is quite a hottie, by the way.My main disappointment with the storyline was the transformation of the main female character from a mousy wallflower into the sassy chick after she gets a makeover and a new wardrobe. It was the loss of a great sight gag - the skinny, nerdy girl facing off against the mafia. Oh well. All in all this is a FUN movie. Even though you can probably predict the ending, every minute is worthwhile to watch.
Adrenaline Drive (Japanese with English Subtitles) is the most refreshing and delightful film I have seen in years. Saw it at the Academy of Arts theatre in Honolulu. How many times have you experienced an audience applauding a movie?
Ken Lyon (kwlyon)
Two innocents beat out a really bad guy and six stooges to take home $2,000,000 and fall in love in the process. Sounds like something we've seen 100 times, but this one has two really sweet kids that are a joy to watch. Setting this familiar plot in an unfamiliar setting helped, too. Humor ranges from more-or-less subtle to slapstick. As far as I could tell, we didn't miss much in the translation--except reading the F-word in the subtitles doesn't have the impact of hearing it in English.