The Worst Film Ever
Just perfect...
If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Do you want do watch a thriller Bollywood movie similar to decent ones like Drishyam? Don't even think about watching this one. The movie's biggest problem is its ridiculous style. Every time it's meant to be dramatic, it uses slow motion along with some unbelievably overdramatic music. Two cheap ways to create excitement - and it doesn't work at all in A Wednesday. The production quality isn't exactly good either. Aside from the uninspired shots of the Mumbai rooftops, the sound effects is an embarrassment. They aren't believable and they use the same ones in every fight. "Is some getting kicked twice? Lets use the same lame sound effect twice after one another." I've never noticed sound effects this bad before. But here it is impossible to ignore. The plot is a typical "terrorist blackmailing the police"-one. With a man sitting on a rooftop, making demands from a series of untraceable calls. But we don't get to see the people that he threatens to kill, so its hard to really care about the stakes. The only reason I managed to see this entire movie without falling asleep was the high tempo. All other aspects of this movie are terrible. Overall, this doesn't feel like a top 250-movie at all. More like a mediocre TV-movie. Watch something else. Anything.
wonderful story ever used to make a film in Indian Cinema on Terrorism/terrorists and victims of terror attacks, it shows the actual inner view of Indian Citizens and their anger for terrorists and their activities and awesomely Played by Nashuriddin Sah and Anupam Khair.. we absolutely need more movies of this kind..
Never have i seen such a bad flick so highly rated. It changes my whole perspective about rating movies and reading reviews on popular and great sites. I have seen bad movies...i never wrote a bad review...never said its a waste of time...this one is...but not wasted time...stolen time by the idea and rating that it has...and if you say to yourself: "just one bad opinion floating in a sea of likes" Try it...go for it. i can assure you its floating in a sea of lies... PS my 1st ever review.
Johan Dondokambey
The movie may seem strange at first. As like other Bollywood movies, the audience actually sees the movie's first image long after the movie started, precisely at about 2:30 minute. The story also dragged at the opening, without really displaying any real threat. Even the first bomb is revealed as an actual bomb way long after the threat has been submitted. When the main conflict has kicked in the movie takes on a nice pace to build up its story. And as the movie progresses, the twists presented feel very much unpredictable, although highly unlikely to happen in a real life scenario. Yet this movie finishes with so many unnecessary scenes put in, with plot holes unresolved, such as the actor who came at the beginning. The acting work is really typical Bolywood movie, most of the main cast did a standard job to keep the serious element of the movie running, but the rest of the cast just overdone their performances, making the movie look hyperbolic.