Sadly Over-hyped
Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
From the moment I seen it on Netflix, it's been stuck replaying in my head. It has so much emotion. I will always remember the last scene. It's truly the most amazing film I have ever seen. I've told everyone that has Netflix to take the time to watch it. Even now I have watched it over a year ago and I am up at 4AM thinking about it. It compelled me to write this review. Seriously, watch it. You will not forget it. It will take you through so many twists and turns. You think you will know what'll happen, then it'll shock you to your very core. It's like listening to a song that gives you chills. Trust me, it is time well spent.
I understand I am a little late to the party on this one, and I'm relatively glad that I didn't see this until 10 years had passed since my own brother took his life (instead of just 4), because I would probably hold a lot more anger in my heart for those that made this film. When you live through something like that, you always have that notion of the hard reality of suicide lurking in the back of your head. A so-called documentary of a man's decision and final journey isn't a voyeuristic journey to you, it is maybe an answer. Maybe a little more understanding about something that blew a hole that will never heal through your family and through your life. You hope for a little more closure than you had before watching. Instead, you get an awfully- acted, completely scripted, contrived, pretentious piece of garbage that feels so good about itself because it tries to bring some kind of awareness to the dark and uncomfortable subject of suicide? I'm guessing that is the point? But it's also why I ask why. Why was this produced? I'm giving a benefit of the doubt here and will go on this: perhaps the director, writer or producer was personally affected by suicide, and this is a coping mechanism (although it seems really unlikely, given the mess they created). If that's the case, I'll give them a pass. Everyone deals with their own demons. If that's what they needed to do, then so be it. I guess maybe it raises some awareness? Doesn't seem like it to me, but maybe it reaches some people. However, if they are trying to bring some kind of awareness to a subject they are pretty clueless about (which kinda seems to be the issue), then they should realize they created an insulting piece of trash that does nothing to even try to create an understanding on such a painful subject, and completely succeed in sucking any kind of substance out of a person who would contemplate such an end to his or her own life. I mean, really. Boo. Hiss. I can't believe this film had such positive reviews. Why?
This is a movie that will stay with u long after u watch it. Which may not be a good thing... The acting was phenomenal. the characters were very genuine and earnest. I actually thought this movie was a real documentary up until about 3/4 of the way through, when I decided to look it up on the internet and found out it was an independent movie and thus, not true. Which I found to be a relief. and at the same time made me really appalled at the film itself. But I guess if a film has the capability to make you go through a whirlwind of emotions:sadness, anger, fear and amusement, I guess it is.... a necessary movie to see. It's definitely worth checking out!
I came across this movie while looking for a movie with my husband. I have struggled with the thought of killing myself if something happened to my mother my whole life. My mom has now had 3 strokes and a heart attack and has vascular dementia. I'm agoraphobic and I can't handle seeing her now. I also have Borderline Personality Disorder which has a suicide rate of 15%. I have been dealing with this for 6 months and going over in my mind whether I will indeed kill myself. When I saw this movie I thought maybe seeing other people will show me that it is not the right choice for me. Imagine my surprise when I find out at the end that it is not a documentary and it breaks my heart that someone would make a movie like this that people like me might watch for help and then you find out it's not real. I feel like an idiot and a fool and it actually has swayed me to try for the 3rd time in my life to commit suicide. So I hope you made a lot of money off this film that will play on the weak. Kudos on controlling the "mental" population in the world