Wonderful character development!
Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Good concept, poorly executed.
Don't Believe the Hype
This is one of the stupidest movies, one of the most pointless movies out there, and now for the bad news. The entire film is both boring and unpleasant. You get characters who without exception are all drunk with their own self importance. You get a script that jumps time frames like a hurdler on drugs. There is absolutely no rhythm of any kind, and long tedious, meaningless, conversations permeate the film. On top of all that, the camera induced speed ups and slow downs, are nothing but annoying artsy crap. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie with less entertainment value.............................................................. "A Good Night to Die" is truly one of the worst. - MERK
This would have to be the worst gangster movie ever made. It had no direction to follow, the characters were weak and the acting 4th rate. This movie is best used as a coaster to place your drink on. Do not waste your time with this crap you would have a better time sleeping on a nest of bull ants. This movie could have been over in 3 minutes and it would have still had as much interesting things in it. Note to movie maker: If this is the sort of tripe you are going to serve up don't bother. Thios was obviously a low budget film and whatever money was spent on it was very much wasted. This movie should not have been made but as it was August should have been killed off in the first scene to save us from 2 hours of boredom. CRAP CRAP CRAP Even when August got killed it was an anticlimax.
this film is a joy after the usual run-of-the-mill indie mediocrities. the story is taut and well written and the director demonstrates the deft touch of an accomplished storyteller. kudos to the director of photography who seems to have unlocked the new york city visuals in such a story-friendly manner. special admiration for the acting of michael rappoport who steals the show. his talents alone are worth the price of admission. this is a sharp little number that can just be enjoyed for its own sake, without all the pretensions of so many films that cry out to be dissected by the "critics". this is the type of film that sundance wishes it could generate.
Ok Folks, if you liked Pulp Fiction....then you are going to LOVE `A good Night to Die.' I found myself completely taken by these characters. They were so well written and acted, the language flows so nicely that it actually makes you like these brutal killers. The movie leaves you thinking about it at the end. You know you have just seen a good movie when days later you are still debating about the characters and what they were thinking with your friends! If you like violence, excitement and surprises, this movie is for you! I give it a `two thumbs up.'