Better Late Then Never
Admirable film.
Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
OK so this film is perhaps not the most clever film, and it doesn't have ass kicking special effects and it won't leave your head reeling in philosophical thoughts, but it is a genuinely charming film.It is cute, it will put a smile on your face and you can just zone out for an hour and half, and I have to say it's nice to have a popcorn flick that is just a cute film. Hollywood these days seems to require loads of action or gross out humour to be a popcorn flick so it's kind of nice to watch a film that isn't so intense for a change. I personally enjoyed this film and would watch it again. It was fun. It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense or the plot is just dumb. It's just fun and you still care abut the characters and that's all that really matters
This is a rather simplistic movie but hat at the same time is also the reason why the movie is a fun one to watch. The movie obviously wasn't made to impress or to let its script win any awards but it got made to simply bring some entertainment and it doesn't fail at bringing some nice enjoyable entertainment.Germans aren't really known for their great humor but this movie is pretty fun to watch. It's classy, fast comedy, that isn't hilarious but is at all times pleasant. The kind of movie that puts a smile on your face, no matter how simplistic and formulaic it all is.It also is filled with some cameo's from some very famous German individuals, like Claudia Schiffer and Boris Becker as themselves, which adds to the whole fun of the movie.The movie is like a modern retelling of the German folk legend of Faust, in which Faust sells his soul to the devilish Mephisto in return for youth. Things are changed around a bit in the story of course and characters and plot lines are changed. Yes, you can say that this movie has actually very little to do with the old folk legend, instead for the fact that it uses the same main concept and the names of the two main, most important characters.The fact however that the Mephisto II character slowly develops into a homosexual, who feels attracted to Frank Faust isn't exactly a sign of good taste or subtlety but German movies often feature this kind of odd and pointless story developments. It's also after this point that the movie starts to get worse. It becomes unlikely, as well as annoying, since the story becomes so dreadful and doesn't show good taste. Too bad, because if the rest of the movie was just as fun and entertaining to watch as its first halve this would had really been a simple recommendable little movie. Now it's quite the contrary actually because of this poor and wrong, painful, tasteless story development.In the end it's sadly nothing more than a tasteless homophobic German production.4/10
It hurt to even give this movie 1 out of 10. I watched this film about an hour ago on SBS and I have to say, it was god awful. Firstly, too many "twists and turns". Secondly, horrible storyline. Why. Why anyone would want to direct and produce or even act in this movie, is beyond me and my posse of movie buffs, quite agree. To give this movie anything beyond a 5 is idiotic and anyone who disagrees... wow, you truly must have the worst taste in film and cinema. I kind of feel dirty even thinking about the movie. If I were to go back in time, I surely would change the channel. My mind and eyes have been soiled. No kudos for the unoriginal storyline.
Rainer Matsutani's second outing into the cinema is even more stupid, excruciating and embarrassing than his "Nur ueber meine Leiche." This film - which has no cinematic qualities at all - is not only painful to watch, it also leaves the odd feeling that the makers of this ridiculously homophobic movie do suffer from severe adolescent disturbances. And - what's even worse: it looks like one of those typical, cheap TV-Movies that lack atmosphere and soul. The absence of the latter is extremely detrimental for a film handling the subject of soul-trading.