Undescribable Perfection
It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Derry Herrera
Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
there's not much to say about this i couldn't laugh just couldn't it just felt that someone just threw every commercial, movie trailer, stereotype jokes and crap in the box and wrote on the side of the box theme paranormal activity well that box is this movie. whole movie length it just throws half-ass jokes just screaming "laugh laugh dammit" i wouldn't watch this even if i was high actually this movie would sell better if it would provide drugs to every consumer who purchase this movie but as i said there's nothing to say about this it really didn't have that much content it is the same 5-6 jokes on repeat the whole run time so my advice avoid at all cost
You would think after major bombs and failures named "Vampires Suck" and "Meet The Spartans" that film companies would no longer be trying to create movie parodies. I mean… did we not learn anything from "Stan Helsing," "Disaster Movie" or "Epic Movie?" I mean, we need something lower than a quarter of a star out of five stars to show just how bad these movies are. To paraphrase Taylor Swift, ripping off characters from much more successful movies and trying to fit a story around them never-ever-ever-ever-ever-ever-ever works! The question is, why even keep trying to recapture the success of "Airplane," "The Naked Gun" or "Scary Movie?" Those movies had talent, gifted writers and filmmakers who knew how to make a decent comedy. Here's the answer: Hollywood doesn't give a damn. They hire the worst actors, most unqualified filmmakers, the least talented writers, dump a truck load of money, hold hostage one popular actor and then play chances something resembling a comedy might be born, and it never is. Why? Because these are not comedies - they're wastes of time and money. Much like Congress and the CEOs who ruined this country, motion picture industries have the liberty and the freedom to flush millions of dollars down the toilet on really horrendous movies ("Chip-Wrecked," "John Carter Of Mars…") then make the money back from their insurance and make a trickle of money back on weak rentals and purchases based on bad judgment. "30 Nights of Paranormal Activity" suffers tragically from all the same problems from other badly conceived ideas. It's not a movie; it's a string of horrible sketches with really bad actors and a few good ones trying to stay in the industry with a lot of bathroom, gay and sophomoric humor sprinkled throughout, an over abundance of gay and sexual humor and there's no one named Wayans in the entire cast. My daughter playing dress-up from her mother's closet is a million times more funnier and a heck of a lot cuter, and she's actually allowed to pass gas. Worst yet: whoever writes the cover description of the movie on the DVD has obviously not seen the movie. "Scare yourself silly," "Scream with laughter," and "Hilarious spoof" do not describe "30 Nights of Paranormal Activity." Much better phrases would be "Scream with anger," "Stare confusingly" and "Waste of your time." Believe it or not, at one time, movie parodies were actually funny, but the people making them now don't even seem to be trying to put any effort or actual jokes in them. "30 Days of Paranormal Activity" is not much of a movie. If anything, it is just an endless and pitiful barrage of jumbled up people, references and stuff and doesn't make any sense at all. If the filmmakers and actors can't put any effort into making the movie, why should we even bother watching it? What tiny shred of plot there is involves a family moving into a supposedly haunted house; unfortunately, there are so many black-outs and non-sequential scenes that the movie never really gets started much less starts moving at all. Why couldn't they done just a straight parody of "Paranormal Activity?" There are way too many unimportant characters in this, not to mention two stoners posing as freeloading ghost-hunters, a really weak Abe Lincoln wanna-be, an over-the top masculine lesbian, a fat Bane wannabe and an incredibly weak and forced Donald Trump take among others. I really feel bad for French Stewart and Danny Woodburn; they were so funny and enjoyable on "Third Rock" and "Seinfeld" that to see him suffer with taking roles like this must really be insulting for actors of their talent and caliber. The so-called comedy is mostly juvenile with hardly any real effort put into it (dumb dialogue, pointless scenes and a tasteless slew of drug, alcohol and sexual references). There are jokes that go no where, scenes that drag on too long and too much time wasted on others whereas opportunities for some real humor go unrealized. The only fairly humorous moments are when the home owner tosses the filter back into the pool (ignoring the pool boy in the process), when the wife slides all the way to the market down the hill and when the pool boy imitates the dance from "Black Swan" and even that scene goes five minutes too long. Will someone please explain to me what the reason to make this movie is? You could have flushed three million dollars into the sewer and made a bigger point than this waste of time. Bottom line: I love comedy, and I love parodies, but until someone watches "Naked Gun" or "Airplane" to realize what they're doing wrong, I don't think I'm ever going to see a decent movie parody unless I'm allowed to film and make it myself.
Paige Fitzpatrick.
What do you expect from a film with a title like 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? It had its moments and my boyfriend found it very funny, I prefer darker humour. People who take movies like this too seriously need to ask themselves why they actually watched it, obviously it wasn't going to be something like a Spielberg masterpiece. If your going to watch this then expect nothing more that what the title suggests, it has its moments in places, it has cringe-worthy moments too (you know the kind, when you just want to wither away somewhere) and it has it utterly stupid moments too. I have seen many movies, too many tbf, so I kinda know what I'm on about.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
"30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" wasn't particularly as fun as I had hoped it would be. It was really great that they picked up that horrendous "Paranormal Activity" series and completely ridiculed it, because it had it long coming.For a spoof movie in this genre, then "30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" didn't really stand out all that much. It was a fairly plain and mediocre movie. Sure, there were the occasional laugh here and there, as well as the occasional great moment, but in overall, don't get your hopes up too high.Following in the wake of the "Scary Movies", these spoofs mostly tend to not offer all that much entertainment. And "30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" didn't managed to rise above mediocrity.I will say that the cast in the movie were actually doing good enough jobs with their given roles, and it wasn't because of them that the movie turned out to be mediocre - it was simply because of the plot line.If you enjoy these spoof movies, you might find some enjoyment in "30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", but there are far better spoofs out there, particularly ones of older date.