hyped garbage
Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
This ranks as probably the worst documentary I've ever seen. It is a load of rubbish from a bunch of crackpots. Plenty of ranting about astrology, Mayans, magnetic shifts of the Earth and even mentions the "progression of the equinoxes" as if it's something we should be afraid of. What these guys don't even realize is that the progression of the equinoxes is constantly happening, it's not an overnight event that will happen on Dec 21st 2012 as they predict. The magnetic pole shift of the Earth will not create a huge tidal wave swallowing up cities and mimicking a Biblical flood.No science, no facts, just a waste of an hour.
This movie is heavily based on the spirituality of 2012. That it will be a shift within us. They talk about the fundamental belief of good vs. evil and that this event will be a culmination of "the dark vs. the light". It so hard not to see Christ and God in their spiritual explanations. I was literally frustrated and wanted to shake the commentators and tell them "You are talking about GOD, can't you see that?" If you are a Christian then I would recommend giving this movie a glance. It will certainly frustrate you but I found that I could not help but see God and Christ throughout it. There is no way for us to truly know the moment of Christ's return but if Dec 21, 2012 is the event they are portraying it seems so clear to me that this is the message this film is trying to get across. They just don't know it!