I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Absolutely Fantastic
A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
Dear Readers,If you are even bothering to look at the reviews of this movie, or if you are even bothering to read this page concerning this movie, please, CURE THE CRAVING.Most people who watch or even bother to read the so-called plot line of a movie like this are looking for or addicted to pornography. Face reality. A man and a woman are more than just a collection of sex organs out for a quickie. Men and women are beautiful creations of God, whose worth is far more than the sums of their parts (or rather, SOME of their PARTS.)Sex films, XXX, hardcore "R", Playboy publications, all come from the same hate-filled, exploitative source called the evil and perversion of humankind. The end results are all the same.Rather than even consider watching this "18 Year Old Virgin," please, instead, watch and listen to Tony Litster at curethecraving.com and deal with the real issues. Thank you very much. :)Sincerely,Richard C. August
I think this may be one of the most underrated movies ever. Yes, it was plainly made on a limited budget, the male lead seems a bit lost at times, and there are some other problems. But it has really good music, tight editing, a very talented and funny female lead, and -- and I think this is the strongest thing about it -- it's well written. Yes, I said it and I'd say it again. It's founded on a solid premise. (Katie loves her friend Ryan because of a kiss she believes they shared when they were kids, but because Ryan won't have sex with a virgin, if Katie wants to have him, first she has to find someone else to sleep with before the night is over.) There's a lot of raunchy humor, but the writer puts some thought into it. A lot of the jokes are about NOT showing the male penis, for instance, which I think puts the movie into the camp of retro softcore like Flesh Gordon and Fantasm (although I actually think 18-year-old virgin is better written than either of these).The movie seems to have a lot of compassion for Katie and really delves into some of the confusions and anxieties of a young woman confronting sexual issues for the first time. It's really funny how she's simultaneously drawn to and offended by the penis. (I loved the bit when she asks "Is that what it's supposed to look like?", takes a cellpicture of a guy's naked penis and shows it to her more experienced friend...) There's a lot of amazingly Freudian moments in it too. Katie likes to correct people's grammar (and that's another thing, I'm a copyeditor and loved how the writer took the time to make all of Katie's grammatical corrections actually correct, rather than just putting in throwaway lines) and at one point refers to a dildo as a "dangling modifier," which Freud would have a field day with. It's a pun that works on a variety of levels.I can get why people would hate this movie because of its low budget, or because they're expecting something like "40-year-old virgin" (despite the name, this movie is almost completely unlike 40-year-old virgin), or because it's raunchy. (It's VERY raunchy, much more so than American pie and mainstream movies of that ilk, but I don't mind that. Chaucer was raunchy, too.) But I wanna take exception to people who call the movie "mindless" or "just a T&A movie." A lot of thought went into the writing with this movie and because of that, I found it to be a delightful surprise for more than just the obvious reasons. Naomi Selfman wrote the screenplay and based on this movie alone I'm definitely going to be seeking out other movies she's worked on. Well done, Naomi, and remember, haters gonna hate.
Martin Onassis
This movie is a strange combination of a typical teen party b-movie with gratuitous topless nudity, and the second half is almost entirely a string of sexual situations. It really pushes the envelope in a couple places with its raunch and yet has two competent likable actors in it, especially the lead female, Olivia Alaina May, without whom this movie probably could not have been released. She manages to be both the sex object and yet the innocent character at the same time, convincingly playing a total innocent among the more perverted. This movie is a strong R, so parents and the prudish should have no illusions about its content. It's almost beyond American PIe, close to Woody Allen's Everything..Sex except nowhere near as good.It manages to have a point to it, and some serious things to say about coming of age in the middle of a lot of over-the-top scenes. It also has a sweet ending to it. I would say it was a brave film, but I think more likely it was obligated to be a b-movie softcore teen American Pie-style film, and the director, writers and lead actress managed to salvage something more.It's not often you see an actress get nearly nude on multiple occasions and yet still respect her acting ability. I hope industry people see this in the film and don't tar her for it. She reminded me of a young Susan Sarandon. There are a fair amount of technical glitches, and it is clearly low budget, but I found it original, funny and charming. I think its main lead actress May has obvious star quality, and the lead actor isn't bad either.
this movie really rules, no matter what they say about it or how many points they give it I saw this picture with the knowledge that it would be bad because this site told me so according to the points it had at that moment (2.5). how wrong I was! it started with a whole lot a naked video clips and I was embarrassed. I was thinking 'oh no, again this is the movie of someone who believed he could make American Pie over again', but soon it showed me its humor and I liked it a lot! the naked scenes where heavy, cool, erotic, ... it rules! there are some points that prove this movie isn't perfect, but only Forrest Gump is perfect in my eyes. naked scenes are the future! long live funny nakedness!